Day of tribute to Professor Manuel Cachón Cadenas
On Friday, May 10, 2024, at 11h, a tribute to the professor of the Faculty of Law Manuel Cachón Cadenas will take place in the Aula Magna.
The structure of the event is as follows:
11:00h-11:15h – Opening
- Dr. Esther Zapater Duque. General Secretariat of the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
- Dr. Josep Maria de Dios Marcer. Director of the Department of Private Law.
11:15h -12:15h - Table 1. The stories of Professor Cachón
- "The history of the process". Dr. Joan Picó Junoy. Professor of Procedural Law.
- "Professor Cachón, historian". Dr. José Juan Moreso Mateos. Professor of Philosophy of Law.
- "The story of Professor Cachón". Dr. Enric Fossas Espadaler. Professor of Constitutional Law.
Moderator: Dra. Cristina Riba Trepat. Professor of Procedural Law.
12:15h -14:00h - Table 2. Procedural science and the work of Professor Cachón
- "The disconcerting regime of collective guardianship in the Spanish civil process. Pending prejudicial decisions from the CJEU." Dr. Manuel Ortells Ramos. Professor of Procedural Law.
- "Proposals to improve the effectiveness of the execution process". Dr. Vicente Pérez Daudí. Professor of Procedural Law.
- "Approach to the work of Professor Cachón." Dr. Francisco Ramos Romeu. Professor of Procedural Law.
Moderator: Dr. Just Franco Arias. Professor of Procedural Law.
14:00h-17:00h - Lunch at Umami Restaurant (Bellaterra)
17:00h -19:30h - Table 3. Professor Cachón's time at the university
- Dr. Francisco Ramos Méndez. Professor of Procedural Law.
- Dr. Victoria Berzosa Francos. Professor of Procedural Law.
- Dr. Just Franco Arias. Professor of Procedural Law.
- Dr. Josep Cid Moliné. Professor of Criminal Law.
- Dr. Carlos Petit Calvo. Professor of History of Law.
- Mr. Juan Alarcón Gutiérrez. Lawyer and Associate Professor of Procedural Law.
- Dr. Mario Zopellari. Lawyer and Professor of Procedural Law.
- Dr. Manuel Férez Fernández. Full Professor of Dret Administration.
- Dr. Carmen Navarro Villanueva. Professor of Procedural Law.
Moderator: Dra. Susana Navas Navarro. Professor of Civil Law. Dean of the Faculty of Law.
19:30h-20:00h – Closure
- Dr. Susana Navas Navarro. Dean of the Faculty of Law.