Conferència Asia and Climate Action: Putting the Dragon Back in the Box? a càrreg del Dr. Christopher Dent (Edge Hill University, UK)


El Dr. Christopher Dent (Edge Hill University, UK) ens oferirà una conferència organitzada conjuntament per la Facultat de Traducció i d’Interpretació, el grup de recerca GREGAL del Departament de Traducció, d’Interpretació i Estudis de l’Àsia Oriental i la Asociación Española de Estudios del Asia Oriental.


Resum de la conferència:

Climate change is already happening, and it poses the most significant existential threat that humanity has faced. Asia is both part of the problem and the solution. Its burgeoning energy-intensive industries and urbanisation have heavily carbonised the global economy and caused other major environmental disruptions. Many Asian societies are, though, highly susceptible to climate change risks, and the region’s governments have come under increasing pressure to more seriously address climate change. In his presentation, Prof Christopher Dent will explore what climate actions Asia needs to prioritise, what actions are being broadly done, and the implications for Asia’s fast-rising ‘dragon economies’. Amongst other issues, he will discuss how climate action pressures will lead to different forms of economic and social development arising in Asia as the 21st century unfolds. This will entail more focus on qualitative development rather than quantitative economic ‘growth’.