352 students of the 2022/23 promotion have collected their diplomas at the Faculty of Communication Sciences

Degree 22/23 journalism

Promotion 2022/23 of the degrees given to the Faculty of Communication Sciences have been graduated between September and October.


On 22 September, the Auditorium of Letters held the graduation act of the degrees of Interactive Communication and Audiovisual Communication of the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the Promotion 2022/23. A total of 98 students collected their diplomas. The event, led by the dean of the faculty Enric Marin, featured the parliaments of the professional godmother, Gina Tost; the academic godmothers, the Ludo Longhi and the Pau Lluis Gumiel and the speeches of the graduate pupils Marc Celeiro, Miquel Coll and Samuel Martínez. The hymn Gaudeamos Igitur put the end to the event.

On 29 September, the Auditorium of Letters held the act of graduation of the degrees of Communication of Organizations and of Advertising and Public Relations of the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the Promotion 2022/23. A total of 117 students collected their diplomas. The event, led by the dean of the faculty Enric Marin, featured the parliaments of the professional godmother, Laia Rogel; the academic godmothers, Pep Colomer and the Núria Torras and the speeches of the graduate pupils Damià Badia, Routing Lee, Ot Manresa and Nil Serra. The hymn Gaudeamos Igitur put the end to the event.

Finally, on 6 October last, the Auditorium of Letters held the act of graduation of the degree of Journalism of the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the Promotion 2022/23. A total of 137 pupils collected their diplomas and had a year's worth of effort. The event, led by the dean of the Enric Marin faculty, featured the parliaments of the professional godmother, the Núria Jar; the academic godfather, the Santiago Giraldo and the speeches of the graduate pupils Daniela Fernández and Gemma Serrano. The hymn Gaudeamos Igitur put the end to the event.