Hospitalized children receive presents thanks to UAB volunteers

Infants hospitalitzats reben regals gràcies a voluntaris de la UAB

The FAS health program volunteers have collaborated with the Vall d'Hebron hospital during these festivities, organizing donations and giving gifts to children admitted to the hospital.


This Christmas, UAB students who volunteer at FAS have visited the Vall d’Hebron to accompany patients admitted to the maternity ward. Their main task has been to organize by age all the presents that arrived at the hospital during the pandemic period. The presents were then wrapped and distributed around the plant during the dates indicated: Tió, Santa Claus and the three Magic Kings.

The FAS health program aims to improve the quality of life of children and young people hospitalized during their convalescence process, as well as their families. Faced with the long hours of free time spent during hospitalization, volunteers offer a playful and entertaining space, so that the disease is (at least for a few hours) in the background of the lives of children and young people admitted.

During these dates, the health program volunteer was in charge of going through the emergency rooms and the rest of the maternity ward and interacting with all the children admitted. The activities were intended to allow children to leave the room and share these moments with others. If a child, for whatever reason, could not leave the room, volunteers would come in to play with him and his family.

In addition, they also did an activity called "By the foot of the bed", which was organized at the request of the guardians or relatives of the children. “By the foot of the bed” consisted of volunteers entertaining or playing with the children while their parents or guardians went home to look for something or attend to their other child.

In the current situation of pandemic, the tasks have been reduced considerably. The main activity of the volunteers is to organize the donations received by the hospital and help them with the preparation of specific activities related to certain celebrations such as St. George's Day, Carnival, Christmas… In the future, however, the intention is to gradually resume those activities that have been left behind following all security measures and ensuring the safety of everyone involved.