Four Syrian and Kurdish students are trained at the UAB in preventing extremism

Beques Prevenció Extremismes

Based on a call for scholarships promoted by the Acollida program, it encourages people in a situation of refugee seeking to pursue university studies and exercise their activism.


Last June, the Fundación Autónoma Solidaria (FAS) announced the opening of a new call for scholarships aimed at financing four specialized higher education positions in the field of preventing violent extremism (PEV).

The call, funded by the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation and the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​was aimed at women from the refugee or displaced community who, due to their personal, activist and professional career, have been identified as key agents for the transfer of knowledge in preventing violent extremisms. Finally, it has been resolved that the beneficiaries are four young Syrian and Kurdish activists.

Throughout the academic year, the students, in addition to following their training itinerary, will share their professional, academic and activist knowledge in different awareness-raising and mobilization activities aimed at the university community and organized with the support of the FAS.

This call for scholarships is part of the Acollida Program for people seeking refuge at the UAB, which aims to contribute to the improvement of university practices in favor of the rights of refugees

The Acollida program works to promote access to higher education for students in refugee situations. It also promotes knowledge of the structural causes of forced displacement and provides action tools through advocacy, outreach and awareness actions.

The initiative has also been possible thanks to the collaboration of coordinators and academic management departments of the Master of Political Science; of the Master in International Relations, Security and Development; the Doctorate in Human Security and Global Law; and the Doctorate in Terrestrial Ecology.