Call for applications for grants for university students affected by the conflict in Ukraine

Beques Ucraïna 2024

Once again, the UAB launches its call for grants for students seeking refuge affected by the conflict in Ukraine, in order to facilitate access and continuity of their studies. This initiative is funded by the Spanish Ministry for Universities and managed by the UAB Refugee programme, which is coordinated by the UAB Solidarity Foundation.


According to UNHCR data, by the beginning of the year 2024, the number of displaced people in the world reached a peak of 100 million. Among other humanitarian crises, the one generated by the war in Ukraine has been characterised by the forced displacement of more than 6.5 million people, most of whom have been women, young people and minors.

The UAB Refugee programme opens this call for grants for the 2024/25 academic year, which responds to the desire to compensate for those situations that hinder the academic development of refugee students at the UAB and are affected by the conflict in Ukraine. It is especially aimed at university students who are in a situation of social, administrative and economic vulnerability. The call is funded by the Spanish Ministry for Universities in the framework of the Action Plan and Refuge Universities.

The total endowment is 10,196.58 euros, with a maximum of 1,200 euros per student, which will be used for study-related expenses, such as study material, transport and electronic devices needed for university activities. Exceptionally, in cases where it is an indispensable requirement, the purchase, rental or leasing of material needed to carry out compulsory work placements is foreseen.

In order to be eligible, students must meet the following requirements: first, they must be applicants or beneficiaries of international and/or subsidiary protection related to the need for refuge affected by the conflict in Ukraine, with enrollment in the 2024/25 academic year. Second, they must be linked to the UAB Refugees Programme. Third, they must be beneficiaries of the #UABRefugi grant for the 2024/25 academic year. Finally, they cannot be the beneficiaries of other aids or grants from any public or private organisation for the same purpose.

The deadline for submitting documents begins on 8 November and ends on 22 November 2024. The terms and conditions can be consulted at this link. Application documents must be submitted electronically by completing the online application form.

With this project, the UAB demonstrates that education must be a right accessible to everyone. Thus, it reaffirms its commitment to inclusion and equal opportunities, contributing to overcome the economic and social difficulties that prevent access to higher education for Ukrainian refugee students. In this way, they will be able to continue building their future through learning and knowledge.