Detall d'activitat

Dilluns, 15 Juliol 2024


Conferència Metaphase II Arrest and Beyond: Insights into Mammalian Oogenesis and Transcriptome Remodeling

Conferències i congressos, Divulgació - Aula Josep Vendrell (Edifici C)


Conferència a càrrec de Gisela Cairó Baza, PhD de la Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, USA

Dr. Gisela Cairó Baza, originally from Barcelona, relocated to the United States to pursue her undergraduate studies. She earned dual degrees in Biochemistry and Microbiology from Southern Illinois University Carbondale and moved to Indiana to complete her PhD at Indiana University Bloomington. During her doctoral studies, she focused on understanding the intricate process of mitotic and meiotic chromosome segregation using budding yeast as a model organism. Her thesis uncovered novel regulatory mechanisms in meiotic chromosome segregation that differ significantly from those in mitosis, providing broader implications for the understanding of fundamental processes underlying chromosome segregation. Following her Ph.D., she transitioned into studying mammalian oogenesis for her postdoctoral studies in Dr. Soni Lacefield’s lab at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth. Her current research aims to advance our understanding of the fundamental mechanisms underlying female gamete formation, with a particular focus on the role of the MOS signaling pathway in normal fertility and the prevention of germ cell tumors.

Ubicació: Aula Josep Vendrell (Edifici C)

Data: Dilluns 15, Juliol de 2024 - 12:00h