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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Medal of Honour 2022 and Vives Network of Universities' awards ceremony

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Event details

  • Start: 12 Jul 2022 12:00
  • End: 12 Jul 2022 14:00
  • Conference hall, Rectorat building (UAB campus)

The General Council of the Vives Network of Universities (Xarxa Vives d'Universitats), consisting of the rectors of the 22 member universities, will be awarding the Medal of Honour to engineer Alícia Casals and singer and songwriter Maria del Mar Bonet.

The awards ceremony will take place on Tuesday 12 July at the UAB, at 12 noon, and will include other prizes conferred by the Vives Network of Universities.

The event will be inaugurated by the current president of the Vives Network of Univerisities and rector of the UAB, Javier Lafuente Sancho.

Following his speech, the IV Jesús Tuson Language Diversity Award, as well as the IV Joan Lluís Vives University Press Award, will be granted to this year's winners. 

This will then be followed by the awarding of the Medal of Honour to engineer Alícia Casals i Gelpí, with a commendatory by Rector Daniel Crespo Artiaga from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.

Finally, the second Medal of Honour will be awarded to singer and songwriter Maria del Mar Bonet i Verdaguer, with a commendatory by Rector Amparo Navarro Faure from the University of Alacant.

To end the event, UAB Rector and President of the Vives Network of Universities Javier Lafuente Sancho will give a brief speech.

The event is open to the public. Those interested in attending must sign up here.

The event will also be streamed live on the YouTube channel of the Vives Network of Universities: https://www.youtube.com/user/xarxavives