Engineering Welcome Day (#EWD24)
Event details
- Start: 19 Sep 2024 15:30
- End: 19 Sep 2024 22:00
- School of Engineering, UAB campus
The School of Engineering's Students Council has teamed up with the School of Engineering to offer a welcoming session to all of the community: the Engineering Welcome Day (#EWD24).
The activities will take place at the School of Engineering from 1:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Some will be more academically centres, with professional conferences, and other will be more leisurely, with a collectives' fair and other activities addressed to first-year students.
A la jornada també es convida a estudiants i entitat d’altres centres de la UAB a través de la Fira de Col·lectius, que tindrà lloc al vestíbul de l’Escola, de 15 a 17 hores, una gran oportunitat per conèixer el gran teixit associatiu que té la UAB.
Abans, hi haurà una sessió general i el primer #TECNODAY del curs, on es realitzaran conferències professionals, aprofitant per presentar els OpenLab i associacions com el Tecno UAB o el Club d’Emprenedors. També hi hauran presentacions de les empreses Deloitte, Accenture, N3N, U4Impact o GFT.
The day will also serve to invite students and entities from other UAB centres through the Collectives Fair, which will take place in the lobby of the School, from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m., a great opportunity to learn about the great associative network existing at the UAB.
Before, there will be a general session and the first #TECNODAY of the course, where professional conferences will be held, taking the opportunity to present the OpenLab and associations such as Tecno UAB or the Entrepreneurs Club. There will also be presentations from the companies Deloitte, Accenture, N3N, U4Impact and GFT.