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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

End of the first session of the UAB Barcelona Summer School and performance

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Event details

  • Start: 08 Jul 2022 13:00
  • Conference hall, Rectorat building (UAB campus)

At 12 noon, students enrolled in the Urban Performing Arts subject, taught by the theatre company Comediants, will offer a performance at the entrance of the Rectorat building.

Vice Rector for International Relations Màrius Martínez will be participating in the event marking the end of the first three-week session of this year's UAB Barcelona Summer School, which began on 20 June.

The event wil also include a short video on the subjects offered and activities students aprticipated thanks to the UAB Buddy Programme.

During 3 weeks, over 250 students from 33 different nationalities were able to enjoy one of the 13 courses offered in this first session of the summer school on campus.

For more information please visit: UAB Barcelona Summer School