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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Aura Cumes and Verónica Gago to talk about political and economic vulnerability

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On 19 December at 3:00 p.m. the Sala Tarotdequinze of the Faculty of Arts & Humanities will host two conferences. The first, entitled La vulnerabilitat política, will be given by Aura Cumes, anthropologist and Mayan K'iche' activist, who will analyse the ways in which colonialism and patriarchy perpetuate the political vulnerability of indigenous people, promoting decolonial resistance. The second conference will be given by Verónica Gago, sociologist and feminist. She will speak on La vulnerabilitat econòmica, generated by neoliberalism and collective resistance strategies from the sidelines, with emphasis put on popular economy.

These conferences form part of the series La vulnerabilitat encara avui, organised by the UAB Department of Philosophy, where the voices of significant feminists from the Global South have contributed, from theory and activism, to carry out a critical and situated renewal of vulnerability from an interdisciplinary viewpoint.