Is caring after people bad for one's health?
Event details
- Start: 27 Mar 2025 12:00
- UAB Centre for Demographic Studies
The Centre for Demographic Studies (CED), located on the UAB campus, organises a conference entitled Les cures són dolentes per a la salut?, [Is caring after people bad for one's health?]. The aim is to examine the impact caring for older people has on the health of carers, as well as the effects of social support from their immediate environment and neighbours as a means of mitigating negative impacts caring can have on the mental health of carers. To comment on these issues, the conference will be using representative data from the UK Household Longitudinal Survey (UKHLS).
Researcher Pilar Zueras, social demographer at the CED, will give the conference which will take place on Thursday 27 March at 12 noon at the centre and also online at this link.