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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Miramon celebrates its 30th anniversary

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Event details

The Geographic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing software MiraMon, an essential tool in areas such as Earth observation, territorial analysis and science education, was launched 30 years ago by the GRUMETS research group of the UAB and CREAF. To commemorate this anniversary both institutions have organised a series of events, which begin with this central act with the following programme:

- Opening by Joan Pino, director of CREAF and professor of Ecology at the UAB.

- Speeches by:

  •  Assumpció Malgosa, vice-rector for Research at the UAB.
  • Jaume Miranda, full member of the Science and Technology section of the Institute of Catalan Studies (IEC) and former director general of the Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia (ICGC).
  • Sergi Gumà, Geography student at the UAB (RS abd GIS bachelor's and master's degree) with years of experience at the Catalan Water Agency (ACA) and the main GIS companies located in the country, as representative of users-business.
  • Joan Pino, director of CREAF and professor of Ecology at the UAB.

- Conference: “30 Years Mirant al Món. From how to what”, by Xavier Pons, professor of the Department of Geography at the UAB, and Joan Masó, CREAF researcher.

- Intervention by Jordi Sargatal, secretary of Ecological Transition of the Ministry for Territory, Housing and Ecological Transition of the Government of Catalonia.

MiraMon's 30th anniversary celebrations will continue in 2025, with a series of conferences, round tables and exhibitions. All the events can be consulted at: https://www.miramon.cat/CAT/MM_30anys.htm