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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Meeting of the Catalan Association of Doctoral Schools (ACED)

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Event details

  • Start: 17 Sep 2024 10:00
  • End: 17 Sep 2024 14:00
  • Doctoral School (Carles Perelló Hall)

On 17 September at 10 a.m., the meeting of the Catalan Association of Doctoral Schools (ACED) will take place in the Carles Perelló Room of the Doctoral School (U Building) of the Bellaterra campus.

The meeting will begin with a welcome and presentation by the director of the UAB Doctoral School, Inma Ponte; Vice-Rector for Research Asunción Malgosa, and UAB Rector Javier Lafuente.

Anna Muro will then present the “Transversal Activity of the Third Half”, an initiative aimed at improving the emotional well-being of researchers in training. Her speech, scheduled to last 20-25 minutes, will include a subsequent round of questions.

The meeting will also provide a space for discussion to exchange perspectives on how different Catalan universities manage the concept of face-to-face studies in doctoral programmes and the formats of the annual follow-ups of doctoral students.

After a break at 12 noon, the meeting will resume with an analysis of the management of Dimension 7 (R+D+I and transfer) to the certification of the Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIC) of the Doctoral Schools, according to the guide of the Agency for the Quality of the University System of Catalonia (AQU). Also, topics proposed by the other participating universities will be addressed.

Finally, there will be an open discussion and networking session, scheduled for 2 p.m.

The meeting aims to be a space for the exchange of ideas and best practices to improve doctoral programmes in Catalonia and promote the welfare of researchers in training.