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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Music, events and new technologies

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Event details

On Wednesday 16 October a conference entitled "Music, events and new technologies" will be held as one of the activities of the UAB Innovation Week. The conference will debate on the possibilities of implementing new technologies within the cultural sector.

The event will feature dynamic content on generative artificial intelligence in the arts and will be divided into three blocks. The first will present different projects and prototypes in AI applied to music and events, the second will feature different debates on sustainability and new technologies in the cultural industries, and the third block will close with different live concerts.

La jornada està organitzada pel Parc de Recerca UAB i la Càtedra UAB-Cruïlla, i compta amb la col·laboració de l’Institut d’Investigació en Intel·ligència Artificial (IIIA CSIC), el Centre de Visió per Computador (CVC UAB), la Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres de la UAB i l’Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambiental (ICTA UAB).

Participation is free and open to the public in general. Those interested in attending must register here

The full programme can be viewed here.