FP4BATIW project

FP4BATIW Project

Fostering Partnerships for the Implementation of Best Available Technologies
for Water Treatment & Management in the Mediterranean


FP4BATIW is a coordination and support action addressed to foster partnerships and networking for best available water treatment technologies implementation in the MPC region by promoting the interaction between highly qualified members. The project will contribute to reduce the gap between research & innovation and the water treatment market enhancing synergies and allowing the concentration of efforts, know-how exchange, co-ownership and dialogue.
The project is coordinated by Research Group of Separation Techniques in Chemistry of UAB and consortium includes the UAB Research Park, Centre for Water Research And Technologies, Chamber Of Commerce and Industry of the Center, High School Of Sciences And Technologies of Hammam Sousse and the National Agency for Environmental Protection from Tunisia; Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Innolabs and Innova Bic from Italy; Jordan Small And Medium Enterprises Industrial and Millennium Energy Industries Association from Jordan; National Authority For Remote Sensing and Space Sciences from Egypt and Palestine Technical University Of Kadorie. 
Concretament, el projecte consta d’activitats per millorar la recerca competitiva en l'eficiència de l'ús de l'aigua, la sequera i la gestió de les inundacions, l'ús no convencional de l’aigua i la seva conservació.
  • Desenvolupament d'una plataforma d’ofertes i demandes tecnològiques del sector del tractament i la gestió de l'aigua a la Mediterrània. 
  • Convocatòria de cinc beques per a investigadors de les Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC) per viatjar a Itàlia per assistir a diferents esdeveniments i formacions sobre propietat intel·lectual i valorització dels resultats de recerca.
  • Assistència tècnica a empreses de l'MPC.
  • Convocatòria d'un concurs d'idees de negoci del sector, en el que es premiaran les deu millors idees.

From 2013-10-01 to 2016-09-30.

Role of the UAB Research Park
The UAB Research Park leads the dissemination of the project and take care of all communication activities: the creation of the website, managing social networks, design and creation of newsletters, communication material, contact with the media, etc.

The project is funded by the European Commission under the 7th European Framework Programme – Activities for International Cooperation of the Capacities Programme. The EU contribution is 993.085 euros.