News archive

Campus de la UAB buit

Cold weather alert

The Government of Catalonia has activated its civil protection plan for emergency weather, PROCICAT, due to the episodes of low temperatures and snow forecast for the following days by the Meteorological Service of Catalonia. Information on measures to be taken will depend on the evolution of these weather conditions.

Formació Artística del curs 2022-2023

Registration for second semester artistic workshops to open on 1 February

The registrations for artistic workshops, courses, or the UAB Stable Groups will open on 1 February. These semester-long activities promoted by Cultura en Viu, which are part of four formation and creation classrooms (Music, Theatre, Dance and Writing), offer the opportunity to start or continue learning an artistic discipline with professionals. All proposals are available at reduced prices for university members and students can apply for academic recognition of ECTS credits. The registration period will be open until 24 February or until all places are filled.  

Maria Paz Chivite

Mari Paz Chivite passes away

Mari Paz Chivite, member of administration and services, passed away on 26 December 2022. The UAB wishes to express its heartfelt sadness and extend its condolences to all those who knew and loved her.

Exposició Descartadas

UAB hosts an exhibition on older women's life in rural areas of El Salvador

The University hosts the exhibition «Discarded», a collection of fifteen photographic portraits and audiovisual material about the poverty and the vulnerability condition of fifteen older women from the rural communities of Tecoluca, El Salvador. The exhibition can be visited from 30th January to 20th April, from Mondays to Fridays and from 10 a.m to 7 p.m, at the UAB Exhibition Hall, located in the Communication Library and General Newspaper Library. 

El Cor, el Cor de Cambra i l'Orquestra a la clausura del concert de Nadal

Music, the only ingredient to transmit hope. Chronicle of the Christmas Concert at the UAB

There is a paradox. Music is everywhere, it is part of our being and our daily routine. We have the capacity to listen to it all the time, but in few moments we realise that it is there. We adopt a passive listening attitude and music disappears from the forefront of our lives. Sometimes, we don't realise that music is the only ingredient to transmit emotions and create bridges between cultures, people or even moments. On 19 December, the UAB Choir,  the Chamber Choir the and Orchestra offered a song of hope for an hour. The stage became a symphonic refuge in which hypnotic voices and harmonised instruments emanated their own light to  a hundred people who also believed that music was the only inevitable additive to achieve the intended recipe: a Christmas concert that would awake the absolute attention of our inner self  to admire this art.