First semester evaluation surveys
The evaluation surveys for the first semester of the 2024/25 academic year corresponding to the teaching performance of faculty members and subjects/modules will be available until 17 January 2025.
The evaluation surveys for the first semester of the 2024/25 academic year corresponding to the teaching performance of faculty members and subjects/modules will be available until 17 January 2025.
The vaccination campaign organised by the UAB Healthcare Service will offer the Tetanus Diphtheria Vaccine to university community member aged over 40.
Javier Lafuente was elected rector of the UAB on 7 November. He took office on 21 November in an event that includes speeches by Núria Montserrat, Minister for Research and Universities; Tania Nadal, President of the Social Council and Esther Zapater, secretary General of the UAB.
Joan C. Tronto, emeritus professor of the City University of New York and the University of Minnesota and one of the greatest exponents of the ethics of care and democracy, will visit the UAB and offer a conference at the Rectorat building on 10 October. The conference will be open to all members of the community and will focus on the revolutionary potential of a care democracy.