The Fundació UAB

The UAB announces measures taken to end this academic year

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The UAB governing team, alongside each of the teaching centres' management teams, has decided to adopt a series of measures concerning the end of this academic year.


Given the enormous possibility of the situation of isolation being extended to after spring break, and that all activities will be resumed progressively, the Governing Team, alongside the directors of each of our teaching centres, has decided to adopt a series of measures concerning the end of this academic year as a way to offer guarantees to all students, lecturers, and administration and services staff who directly or indirectly are involved in academic activities. In this sense, I would like to inform you that:

1. The UAB Governing Team, alongside each centre's management teams, terminates all on-site teaching for the remainder of the 2019/20 academic year's second semester, and agrees that all remaining academic activities will take place online.

2. The Governing Team is in the process of drafting a framework document with general instructions that each centre will need to adapt to its own characteristics. This document, which will include general instructions on the academic calendar, teaching, evaluation, study guides, final projects and work placements, will be passed in the Governing Council's next extraordinary session.

3. Although it is being considered to maintain an evaluation period for second semester subjects from mid-June to mid-July, lecturers must work in accordance with their centres' directors to create an online evaluation plan in case the healthcare crisis makes it impossible to resume any on-site activities. The UAB's ICT services have been working very efficiently throughout this period, and will continue to do so by providing all the support needed to complete these tasks.

4. The Governing Team is fully aware of the fact that some students, for a variety of reasons, do not have access to all the tools needed to follow their studies online. The University is studying mechanisms by which to ensure the continuity of all students who find themselves in these circumstances. Therefore, it is recommended that all those in need of assistance contact their course coordinator or the dean's office of their centre.

The concretion of these measures and any other which may be taken will be communicated to each university group through the adequate channels.

UAB Rector Margarita Arboix announced these measures to the whole of the university community in an e-mail in which she thanked members for their "solidarity, commitment and efforts shown by our entire community in making this University continue its academic, research, and administrative and management activities, by working online and remotely" and wished "a quick recovery" to all those affected by the virus.