The Fundació UAB

Texas students discover UAB's castellers and the Catalan culture

La colla Ganàpies amb els estudiants de Texes

Students from the Lone Star College Honors International Capstone Travel programme, who were in an academic and cultural stay at the UAB, enjoyed a small performance by Ganàpies, the castellers from UAB.


The group of Texan students from Lone Star College has participated, once more, in a training stay with the team of the Tailor Made Program, which is part of the Specific Programs for International Students- Study Abroad from FUAB.

This one-and-a-half-week programme has been divided into three academic sections: Business, Mediterranean Studies and Language, and have been complemented with classes from a variety o related subjects, as well as Catalan and Spanish languages, combined with different cultural outings.

One of the activities got Lone Star College students involved with one of the most traditional expressions of the Catalan culture: a performance by UAB’s Colla Castellera, the Ganàpies. They allowed the group of Texan students help building the pinya (base) of the human tower, giving them a hands-on opportunity to learn about this Catalan tradition.

Honor international Capstone Travel

This training trip is part of what is called within the American Honors International Capstone Travel university system. Honor is understood as a special rank or distinction awarded by a university or school to a student for their excellence or success in a particular subject. The Capstone project is usually the final task and plays a fundamental role in preparing students for the job market, thanks to its practical applications and its ability to help improving the knowledge and professional skills of the students.

The Capstone trip is, therefore, an international stay framed in this project at our university. Last weekend the group has been hosted at the Campus Hotel, in the Vila Universitaria, to do cultural activities and visits to the Catalan territory.