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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Departamento de Sociología

The universalization of spirituality: politics, medicine, and science

10 abr 2024
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13h to 14h30 (Rio de Janeiro GMT -3) / *18h to 19h30 (Barcelona CET)

Rodrigo Toniol

Webinar 'The universalization of spirituality: politics, medicine, and science' a cargo de: Dr Rodrigo Toniol, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

18th April 2024 

13h to 14h30 (Rio de Janeiro GMT -3) / *18h to 19h30 (Barcelona CET)


This research delves into a novel and significant exploration of the phenomenon of spirituality gaining legitimacy in the official health field. It’s a journey into how secular institutions have embraced this concept, integrating it into the fabric of official health attention. The empirical focus is on three pivotal dimensions of the healthcare field: clinic, scientific medical research, and public health. This research, therefore, has as its main objective to analyze the way in which spirituality has been established and legitimized as a health dimension from the use of this category in public policies, clinical routines of care, and as an object of privileged investigation in groups of medical research.

Dr Rodrigo Toniol is Associate Professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro/Brazil and member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences. His research themes focus on the areas of religion, health and science.

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