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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Departamento de Filología Inglesa y de Germanística

Defensa Tesis Clara Román Vanden Berghe

16 feb 2024
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Defensa Tesis Clara Román Vanden Berghe

'To Feel Myself Beloved on the Earth': The Destabilization and Restitution of Intimacy in the Stories of Raymond Carver


Defensa Tesis Clara Roman Vanden Berghe
'To Feel Myself Beloved on the Earth': The Destabilization and Restitution of Intimacy in the Stories of Raymond Carver

'To Feel Myself Beloved on the Earth': The Destabilization and Restitution of Intimacy in the Stories of Raymond Carver

Doctoral candidate: Clara Román Vanden Berghe

Thesis supervisor: Dr Laura Gimeno Pahissa

The event will take place at the Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres, Sala de Graus

16 February 2024, 11:00 h.

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