Seminario - Maksim Belitski
In Seminar Room E2 at 15:00h
Maksim Belitski (Henley Business School —University of Reading, and College of Business —Loyola University New Orleans) will present his paper “Different Strokes for Different Folks: The role of Entry, Growth and Exit-type Regulation on Productive Entrepreneurship”, joint work with Samee Desai (Indiana University, USA).
Entrepreneurial activity is highly heterogeneous and all types of entrepreneurship do not contribute equally to the economic prosperity. Prior research demonstrated that productive entrepreneurship is the most desirable form of entrepreneurship as it contributes to the economic development and triggers social change. Yet, there is a paucity of knowledge how and under conditions different types of regulation and institutional context can promote productive entrepreneurship. This study employs the multi-source panel data across 118 developing and developed countries with 1065 country-year observation during 2005-2016 to examine the effect of three types of regulation (entry, growth and exit-related) on productive entrepreneurship. Combining public choice and public interest theory with the theory of regulation this study a) examines the effect of various regulation types on productive entrepreneurship; b) develops theory and tests how this relationship changes with an increase in informal institutions. We offer implications for theory of regulation and design policy tools.