Permanent Research Seminar
Regina Galasso, PhD (University of Massachusetts Amherst). Expanding translation literacy for university students and the extramural community. Permanent Research Seminar, organized by the Doctoral programme in Translation and Intercultural Studies. Wednesday 21st June 2023, 12:00-14:00, classroom 201 FTI, UAB and online. Coordinated by Inna Kozlova.
Presentation of the Translation and Intercultural Studies PhD programme students' research projects. Students: José Ednilson Gomes de Souza, Mariona González, Fanyi Kong, Miguel Ángel Oliva, Marina Pujadas, Xuewei Sun. Moderator: PhD. Eduard Bartoll. Thursday, 25th May 2023, 14:00 (2 hours), on-site and online. Permanent Seminar on Research and Doctorate, Department of Translation, Interpreting and East Asian Studies. More information.
Presentation of the Translation and Intercultural Studies PhD programme students' research projects. Students: Roberto Crivelli, Oscar García, Raquel Navarro, Xuewei Sun, Chang Zhou. Moderator: Dr. Antonio Paoliello. Friday, 5th May 2023, 15:00 (2 hours), online. Permanent Seminar on Research and Doctorate, Departament de Traducció, d’Interpretació i d’Estudis de l’Àsia Oriental. More information.
Presentation of the Translation and Intercultural Studies PhD programme students' research projects. Students: Ángel Castelló, Elisa Moroni, María Sánchez, Chao-Wen Wang, Qiuhan Yang, Mengjie Zhang. Moderators: Dr. Gema Rubio & Dr. Amparo Hurtado. Thursday, 27th April 2023, 15:00 (2 hours), online. Permanent Seminar on Research and Doctorate, Departament de Traducció, d’Interpretació i d’Estudis de l’Àsia Oriental. More information.
Dr. Wang, Zi (INALCO, Institute National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Paris). Academic Workshop for Ph.D students. Contents: “Doing fieldwork in East Asia” (10:00-12:00), “Grant/book proposal writing and English academic publishing strategies” (12:30-14:30). Permanent Research Seminar, organized by Grup de Recerca GREGAL: Circulació Cultural Japó-Corea-Catalunya SGR 2021 SGR 00558.Friday 28th April. Room 004. Coordinated by Makiko Fukuda (GREGAL).
Francesca Cerdà, PhD (UPF). L'estudi de la llengua literària en la traducció: una proposta. Permanent Research Seminar, organized by GETCC research group (UAB) and the Doctoral programme in Translation and Intercultural Studies. Thursday 23rd March 2023, 16:00-18:00, classroom 113 FTI, UAB. (Coordinated by Montserrat Bacardi, GETCC group).
Daniel Gallego, PhD (UA). Traducción económica e investigación. Permanent Research Seminar, organized by the PhD programme in Translation and Intercultural Studies and MUTEI. Friday 27th January 2023, 11:00-13:00, classroom 002 FTI (UAB) and online. (Coordinated by Patricia Rodríguez-Inés e Inna Kozlova).
Mercedes Suárez de la Torre (Universidad del Valle). Traducción especializada y terminología experimental: perspectiva neurocognitiva. Permanent Research Seminar organised by the Doctoral Program in Translation and Intercultural Studies. 5th April 2022, 14:00 to 18:00. Online (coordinated by Inna Kozlova).
Mina Ebrahimi. Curso de SketchEngine. Permanent Research Seminar organised by the Tradumàtica research group and the Doctoral programme in Translation and Intercultural Studies. 15th and 17th March 2022, 15:30 to 17:30. Aula multimèdia B (15/03) and Aula multimèdia E (17/03) (coordinated by Olga Torres).
Pep Sanz Datsira. Recerca sobre història de la traducció i recepció literària: una aproximació. Permanent Research Seminar organised by the GETCC research group and the Doctoral programme in Translation and Intercultural Studies. 7th March 2022, 15:30 to 17:30. In FTI - Aula 109 (coordinated by Montserrat Bacardí).
Louis Dantil (Universidad de Castellón). Taller Giro Semántico Lingüístico y aplicación de GSL a la comunicación e integración. Permanent Research Seminar organised by the Doctoral Program in Translation and Intercultural Studies. 3rd March 2022, 15:00 to 18:00, and 4th March, 14:00 to 17:00. In FTI - Aula 111 and online (coordinated by Mari Carmen Espín).
Sara Rovira. Cómo escribir un artículo académico y no morir en el intento. Permanent Research Seminar organised by the Doctoral Program in Translation and Intercultural Studies. 15th, 16th, and 17th February 2022, 14:00 to 16:30. Online (coordinated by
Sara Rovira).
Krzysztof Krejtz. Statistical tests for the survey methodology in user-centred studies. Permanent Research Seminar organised by the Transmèdia research group and the Doctoral programme in Translation and Intercultural Studies. 7th, 8th and 9th February 2022, 9:00 to 13:00. In FTI – Sala Jordi Arbonès (coordinated by Anna Matamala).
Antonio Martínez Pleguezuelos (Complutense University of Madrid). Teoría queer y traducción. Permanent Research Seminar organised by the Doctoral Program in Translation and Intercultural Studies. 25th January 2022, 17:30 to 19:30. Online (coordinated by Gonzalo Iturregui).
Olga Castro (University of Warwick). Feminisme i traducció. Permanent Research Seminar organised by the Doctoral Program in Translation and Intercultural Studies. 20th January 2022, 17:30 to 19:30. Online (coordinated by Lupe Romero).
Natalia Belozerova (Universidad de Tyumen). Translation from an Ecolinguistic perspective. Permanent Research Seminar organised by the Reicit research group and the Doctoral programme in Translation and Intercultural Studies. 13th January 2022, 15:00 to 17:00. Online (coordinated by Laura Santamaría).
Márcio Seligmann (State University of Campinas). Translating Landscape. Permanent Research Seminar organised by the Reicit research group and the Doctoral programme in Translation and Intercultural Studies. 12th January 2022, 15:00 to 17:00. Online (coordinated by Laura Santamaría).
Presentation of the PhD students' research projects: May 25, 2021 (17,00-Online).
Presentation of the PhD students' research projects: May 17, 2021 (15,30-Online).
Presentation of the PhD students' research projects: May 03, 2021 (16,00-Online); May 10, 2021(16,00 - Online).
Dr. Aran Romero Moreno (Research Group MIRAS, UAB) and Dr. Eduardo González de la Fuente (Research Group GREGAL, UAB). Retos epistemológicos y metodológicos en la investigación en contextos de interculturalidad: China y Japón desde los márgenes. Permanent Research Seminar, organized by the Doctoral Program in Translation and Intercultural Studies. Wednesday 10th March, 10:00-12:00; and Wednesday 17th March, 16:00-18:00. Online (coordinated by Blai Guarné).
Dra. Gabriela Saldanha (Independent researcher, formerly of the University of Birmingham). Métodos de investigación basados en el análisis de texto. Permanent Research Seminar, organized by the Doctoral Program in Translation and Intercultural Studies. Monday 15th February, Wednesday 17th February and Friday 19th February 2021, 15:30-17:30. Online (coordinated by Patricia Rodríguez-Inés).
Sofía García-Beyaert, PhD (Research group MIRAS, UAB) and Anna Suades Vall. Dialogue interpreting: action-research methodology applied to the design of learning materials. Permanent Research Seminar, organized by the Doctoral Program in Translation and Intercultural Studies, February 4th and 5th 2021, 16h00 – 18h00, online, (coordinated by Marta Arumí).
Dr. Alfonso Sánchez Romera (InterAsia Research Group). La captura en movimiento: itinerario y reconfiguración de una tesis doctoral. Permanent Research Seminar, organised by the InterAsia research group and the Doctoral programme in Translation and Intercultural Studies, 27 January 2021, 15:00 to 17:00, online. Coordinated by Amelia Saiz.
Marisa Presas and Francesc Parcerisas explain their experiences of supervising PhD theses. Permanent Research Seminar, organized by the Doctoral Program in Translation and Intercultural Studies, December 18th , 2020, 15:00 to 17:00, online with link (coordinated by Inna Kozlova).
Dra. Laura Lamas Abraira (InterAsia Research Group). Recorriendo la espiral: la tesis doctoral como proceso. Permanent Research Seminar, organized by the research group InterAsia and Doctoral Program in Translation and Intercultural Studies, December 16th , 2020, 15:00 to 17:00, online with link (coordinated by Amelia Sáiz López, InterAsia).
Lara Estany Freire (GETCC, UAB). Objectius i estratègies: el procés d'elaboració d'una tesi doctoral. Permanent Research Seminar, organized by the research group GETCC and the Doctoral Program in Translation and Intercultural Studies, December 16th, 2020, 11:00 to 12:30, online with link (organized by Jordi Mas, UAB)
Dr. Esperanza Bielsa (UAB, Departamento de Sociología, y Shanghai International Studies University) Cosmopolitismo y Traducción. Permanent Research Seminar, organized by the research group REICIT (UAB) and the Doctoral Program in Translation and Intercultural Studies, December 3rd, 2020, 15:00 to 17:00, online with link (coordinated by Dr. Laura Santamaría, REICIT)
Presentation of the PhD students' research projects February 25, 2020 (16,30-18,30 hs., classroom 107, FTI); March 10 2020 (15,00-17,30 hs., classroom 1o7, FTI); March, 12 2020 (15,00-17,30 hs., classroom 107, FTI)
Gian Maria Greco (TransMedia Catalonia, UAB) Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility through the lens of Accessibility Studies: Uses, abuses, and misuses. Permanent Research Seminar, organized by the Doctoral Program in Translation and Intercultural Studies, February 26, 2020, Room 4, FTI, UAB.
Pilar Laón Arauz (Universidad de Granada) Taller de Sketch Engine avançat. Permanent Research Seminar, organized by the Doctoral Program in Translation and Intercultural Studies. December 11, 15,30-18:30, Room multimèdia D FTI, UAB (Coordinating by Ana de Aguilar Amat, Tradumàtica group)
Luis Pegenaute (Universidad Pompeu Fabra) Principios de historiografía de la traducción: conceptos, fuentes y métodos. Permanent Research Seminar, organized by the Doctoral Program in Translation and Intercultural Studies. November 28, 2019, 15:30-18:30, Room 5 FTI, UAB. (Coordinating by Monserrat Bacardí, GETCC group).
Jenaro Talens (traductor literario y poeta, Profesor emérito por la Universidad de València i la de Ginebra). Permanent Research Seminar, organized by the Doctoral Program in Translation and Intercultural Studies. November 14, 12:00 a 14:30, Room 4 FTI, UAB (Coordinating by Nuria d'Asprer, Étienne Dolet group).
Neus Figueras. "Development and validation of evaluation scales: theory and practice". Permanent Research Seminar, organized by the Doctoral Program in Translation and Intercultural Studies. October 4, 2019, 9:30-11:30 and 12-14. Study Room 2, FTI, UAB.
Anna Kuznik (Uniwersytet Wroclawski, Poland). Seminar on instruments, collection and analysis of qualitative data. Contents: how to build a questionnaire (what questions, how many, how to elaborate data) or an interview, how to analyze qualitative data (with and without specific software). Permanent Research Seminar, organized by the Doctoral Program in Translation and Intercultural Studies, June 14, 2019, 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., classroom B FTI, UAB
Marcello Giugliano (Leipzig University). Construir imatges mitjançant la traducció: la traducció com a eina de creació, difusió o subversió d’imatges enteses com a constructes discursiusSeminari.22th and 23th May, from 15,00 to 18,00. Room: 207 FTI
Ana María Rojo López (Universidad de Murcia). Quantitative Methodology Seminar. Permanent Research Seminar, organized by the Doctorate Program in Translation and Intercultural Studies, May 13, 14 and 15, 2019. 13.30-19.30 p.m., classroom 207, FTI, UAB. More information
Presentation of the PhD students' research projects March 25, 2019 (15,30-18,00 hs., classroom 207, FTI); March 27, 2019 (15,00-18,00 hs., classroom 2017, FTI); March, 28 2019 (15,00-18,00 hs., aula 2017, FTI)
Chris Perkins (Unviersity of Edinbugh) “Words, violence and the polítics of belonging in the Captivity Epistles of ‘69”. Permanent Research Seminar, organized by the Doctorate Program in Translation and Intercultural Studies and the GREGAl research Group in the workshop The cultural impact of Japanese 68’ 22th February, 11 a.m. Room, 004 FTI.
Mikel Aramburu and Gemma Celigüeta (Department of Social Anthropology, University of Barcelona) Qualitative Methodology Seminar. Permanent Research Seminar, organized by the Doctorate Program in Translation and Intercultural Studies, November 12, 13, 14 and 15, 2018. 17.00-19.00 p.m., classroom 207, FTI, UAB. More information
Mario Montagud (Foundation i2CAT / University of Valencia). “Multi-disciplinary Research in Multimedia Systems and Human-Computer Interaction: Success Stories.” Seminar in Spanish (with English slides). Permanent Research Seminar organized by the Doctorate in Translation and Intercultural Studies and the TRANSMEDIA Research Group. January 31, 2019 (11 a.m.-1 p.m., Jordi Arbonés Room, FTI). More information
Birgitta Englund Dimitrova (University of Stockolm) "Looking at the invisible process of dialogue interpreting: language, cognition and interaction". Organized by the Doctorate in Translation and Intercultural Studies and the MIRAS Research Group. Thursday 24th. January, 15-18 p.m. ROOM 003, FTI.
Barbara Moser-Mercer (University of Geneva) "The Interpreting Brain", a seminar on cognitive processes in simultaneous interpreting. Permanent Research Seminar. October 26, 2018 (10:00-13:00, Room 101, FTI).
Jing Han (Western Sydney University, SBS TV Australia): “Manipulating Communication in Translation”. Seminari Permanent de Recerca i Doctorat. Transmedia Catalonia. October 11, 2018. (10.30 a.m. -12.30 p.m., Room Jordi Arbones, FTI). More information
Sattar Izwain (American University of Sharjah): “Arabic subtitling: current situation and research prospects”. Permanent Research Seminar. June 19, 2018¿. (09:30 -10:30, Room 107, FTI).
Stephen Doherty (University of New South Wales, Australia) More multimodal and multilingual: two novel applications for language technology in education and health communications. Permanent Research Seminar. June 1, 2018 (11 a.m to 1p.m., Jordi Arbonés Room)
Evelyn Hu-Dehart(Brown University, USA) Peligro amarillo, minoría modelo, blanco honorífico, foráneo perpetuo y otros estereotipos de los inmigrantes chinos en la cultura popular estadounidense. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia. May 28, 2018. Room 2, Political Science and Sociology Faculty, UAB. More information
Gian Maria Greco (Marie Curie postdoctoral researcher, TransMedia Catalonia group, UAB) The Role of Accessibility In Human Rights and its Implications for Language Right. Permanent Research Seminar, May 16, 2018 2 (11:00-13:00, Room Jordi Arbonès, Faculty of Translation and Interpreting, UAB).
Carlos Rodrigues (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil) La interpretación y traducción de lenguas de signos. Campo de actuación profesional y área de investigación para la Traductología. Permanent Research Seminar, April 11, 2018 (15:00-19:00, Interpreting Room 1, Faculty of Translation and Interpreting, UAB)
Presentation of the PhD students' research projects: March 6, 2018 (15,30-18,00 hs., classroom 106, FTI); March 22, 2018 (16,00-18,00 hs., classroom 106, FTI); April 5, 2018 (15,30-18,00 hs., classroom 106, FTI).
María Recuenco Peñalver (Universitat de Ciutat del Cap) Seminars on literary translation. La autotraducción: oxymoron revisited. Permanent Research Seminar. October 24, 2017 (10,00-13,00 hs., classroom 107, FTI); October 25, 2017 (13,00-16,30 hs., classroom 107, FTI).
Hiroaki Richard Watanabe (University of Sheffield) Neoliberal transformation of the Labour market and Japanese unions' struggle. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. More information
Tianqi Zhang (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), “Segmentador de palabras: una herramienta para el análisis léxico del chino”, 05/05/17 (11,00-13,00 hs., classroom D, FTI). Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. Tradumática.
Presentation of the PhD students' research projects February 15, 2017 (15,00-18,00 hs., classroom 112, FTI); March 30, 2017 (15,00-18,00 hs., classroom 112, FTI); April 6, 2017 (15,00-18,00 hs., aula 112, FTI); April 26, de 2017 (15,00-18,00 hs., classroom 112, FTI)
Rafael Martín Rodríguez (Universitat Autònoma de Madrid / Universitat de Fudan, Xangai), España-China, las dificultades de un reconocimiento (1973) y percepciones hispano-chinas hasta la actualidad. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia. More information
Individualized tutoring for the students of Professor Annalisa Sandrelli of UNINT_ROMa on March 2 from 11.00 to 13.00, office K-1002. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar.
SIGMA application course, on March 2, 2017 from 15.00 to 16.00 hours in the multimedia classroom E, FTI. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar.
Presentation of the PhD students' research projects: March 17, 2016 (15:00-18.00 hs., Room Jordi Arbonès, FTI) / March 30, 2016 (15:00-18.00 hs., Room Jordi Arbonès, FTI) / April 14, 2016 (15:00-18.00 hs., Room Jordi Arbonès, FTI) / April 20, 2016 (15:00 -17:30 hs, Room Jordi Arbonès)
Cristian Olalla Soler (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), “Estadística aplicada a la recerca en traducció i interpretació”, 26/05/15 (15.00-19.00 hs., aula multimèdia polivalent B, FTI) UAB. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. More information.
Workshop “Mendeley Premium”, Biblioteca Humanitats, 02/06/2015 (15:00-17:00 hs., aula multimèdia polivalent B, FTI) UAB. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. More information
Melva J. Márquez Rojas (Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela), “El traductor y la ética en tiempos de 2.0”,16/04/15, Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. Departament de Traducció, d’Interpretació i d’Estudis de l’Àsia Oriental, FTI, UAB. More infomation
Presentation of the PhD students' research projects: February 24, 2015 (15:00-18.00 hs., room 105, FTI) / March 23, 2015 (15:00-18.00 hs., room 103, FTI) / April 27, 2015 (15:00-18.00 hs., room Jordi Arbonès, FTI)
Presentation of the PhD students' research projects. Firts Session, Students: Tian Mi, Mila Moili, Lingzhi Nie, Jinjing Shen, Agnieszka Walczak, Discussant: Dr. Artur Lózano-Mendez (UAB), 24/02/15, Permanent Seminar on Research and Doctorate, Departament de Traducció, d’Interpretació i d’Estudis de l’Àsia Oriental. More infomation.
Marta Catalán Eraso (The University of Hong Kong). Chineseness and Modern Chinatowns: The Spanish Case.25/03/15. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia (Departament de Traducció, d’Interpretació i d’Estudis de l’Àsia Oriental; Centre d'Estudis i Recerca sobre Àsia Oriental (CERAO). InterAsia. More infomation.
Presentation of the PhD students' research projects: Seconf Session, Students: Mo Zhou, Fang Pan, Linna Hu, Tsun-Wei An, Alba Serra Vilella, Silvia Ruiz Pi, Discussant: Dra. Helena Casas (UAB), 23/03/15, Permanent Seminar on Research and PhD programme in Translation and Intercultural Studies, Departament de Traducció, d’Interpretació i d’Estudis de l’Àsia Oriental. More infomation.
Screening and debate with the presence of Martín Aletta, Ojos Abiertos (Martín Aletta, 2013), Ishinomaki Rock 'n Roll City (Federico Aletta, 2011), 11/12/14. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia (Departament de Traducció, d’Interpretació i d’Estudis de l’Àsia Oriental; Centre d'Estudis i Recerca sobre Àsia Oriental, CERAO). InterAsia. More infomation.
Pierantonio Zanotti (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia). F.T. Marinetti, Japan, and Le Futurisme mondial: The construction of Japan as a “Futurist country”. 4/12/14. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia (Departament de Traducció, d’Interpretació i d’Estudis de l’Àsia Oriental; Centre d'Estudis i Recerca sobre Àsia Oriental (CERAO). InterAsia. More infomation.
Pierantonio Zanotti (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia). Miraiha! The reception of Italian Futurism in Japan. 9-10/12/14. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia. (Departament de Traducció, d’Interpretació i d’Estudis de l’Àsia Oriental; Centre d'Estudis i Recerca sobre Àsia Oriental (CERAO). InterAsia. More infomation.
Ayumi Takenaka (Centre on Migration, Policy and Society, University of Oxford). Nikkei Cuisine: How Japanese food travels and adapts abroad?.19/11/14. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia (Departament de Traducció, d’Interpretació i d’Estudis de l’Àsia Oriental; Centre d'Estudis i Recerca sobre Àsia Oriental (CERAO). More information.
Shu Haolun, Chinese Independent Cinema; Nostalgia; No. 89 Shimen Road; 15-16/11/14 . Permanent Research and PhD Seminar InterAsia (Departament de Traducció, d’Interpretació i d’Estudis de l’Àsia Oriental; Centre d'Estudis i Recerca sobre Àsia Oriental (CERAO). More information.
Li Youxin (Universidad de Xiangtan University) La tradición del pensamiento holístico (la integración entre el Cielo y la Humanidad) de China y su valor actual. 22/09/14. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia (Departament de Traducció, d’Interpretació i d’Estudis de l’Àsia Oriental; Centre d'Estudis i Recerca sobre Àsia Oriental (CERAO); InterAsia).
Hu Qiang (Xiangtan University) El chino, un idioma poético. 22/09/14. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia (Departament de Traducció, d’Interpretació i d’Estudis de l’Àsia Oriental; Centre d'Estudis i Recerca sobre Àsia Oriental (CERAO); InterAsia).
Yang Lian (poet). Contemporary Chinese Poetry, the Chinese Poetic Tradition & Poetry in Exile. 14/05/14. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Ricard Bru (historiador). L'art japonès: recerca, difusió i exposició. 13/05/14. Permanent Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Chiao-In Chen (UAB). Guerra Civil, radicalización del nacionalismo y fascismo chino. 08/05/14. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Carolina Larrea (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile). Zhi (¿). El origen de todo papel: historia y desarrollo del papel en China. 30/04/14. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
PhD students research presentation. 02/12, 11/02, 28/04. More information.
Mireia Paulo Noguera (Fudan University, Ruhr University). Gobernanza digital, ¿una realidad o ciencia ficción para la República Popular China? 08/04/14. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Shuhei Hosokawa (International Research Center for Japanese Studies). El desafío de visualizar y narrar literatura clásica. 01/04/14. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Marcos Centeno Martín, Almudena García Navarro (documentary creators). Documentary: Ainu. Caminos a la memoria (2013). 19/03/14. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
"Acreditació i avaluació de la recerca". 17/03/14. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. TransMedia Catalonia.
Francesca del Lago (Leiden University). Thinking about exhibitions of modern and contemporary Chinese art in the current globalization turn. 05/03/14. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Ou Ning. Bishan Project: Restarting the Rural Reconstruction Movement. 14/11/13. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Kim Woobong (Konkuk University, Seoul/Fraunhofer ISE, Business School, Freiburg). Culture and technology in Asia. 13/11/13. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Ignacio Soriano Llopis (UAB). El nacimiento del Estado en China. Metalurgia, violencia y explotación en los grupos Erlitou (c. II milenio cal BC). 31/10/13. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar.
Presentation of the Department's research groups. 29/10, 05/11. More information.
Wu Hung (University of Chicago). The Three Gorges Dam and Contemporary Chinese Art. 22/10/13. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Ven. Wu Guang (Longquan Temple). Introducción al budismo. 06/06/13. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Gustavo Pita, Manuel Fuentes (UAB). Artes Marciales (Trans)-plantadas: Adaptación de prácticas culturales de Asia Oriental en el Caribe. 25/05/13. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Cindy Hing-Yuk Wong (City University of New York). From Cannes to Hong Kong: Global Film Festivals and the Creation of Cinematic Culture. 16/05/13. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Jelena Prokopljevic (arquitect and PhD at UPC). Aquitectura contemporánea en Corea del Norte: Legado monumental de la era Juche. 18/04/13. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Elia Rodríguez López (Kangwon National University). Poesía coreana de posguerra: el existencialismo de Cheonbonggen. 21/03/13 14/03/13. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Presentation of PhD projects by students. 28/01/13, 07/03/13, 10/04/13. More information
Emmanuel Lincot (Catholic University of Paris). The Challenge of China. 14/03/13. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Adrià Martín-Mor (UAB). Seminars: "Tecnologies per a doctorands". Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. More information
Rafael Caro Repetto (University of London). Resonancias antiguas de sones nuevos: Tradición y modernidad en la música china. 29/11/12. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Presentation of the Department's research lines. 06/11 15:30-19:30, 20/11 15:30-17:30, 27/11 15:30-17:30. More information
Jaroslaw Krajka (Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities), Inna Kozlova (UAB), Patricia Rodríguez-Inés (UAB), María Bernad Eustaquio (UAB).Building and exploiting a corpus for specific purposes. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. MQD EFECT Project (Expert Field Environment). 29/11/12. Cal preinscripció.More information
Melva Márquez (Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida). Neologismos en la Venezuela contemporánea: la terminología informática en el discurso político y gubernamental de Venezuela. 31/12/12. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar.
Óscar Díaz Fouces (Universidade de Vigo). Traducció i programari lliure. 25-26-27/09/12. 10 h. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education, ref. number MHE2011-00170+ Tradumàtica.
Andrew Duchowski (Clemson University). Eye-tracking research and experimental design: an overview (week 1) and case-studies (week 2). 22-23-24, 29-30-31/05/12. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education, ref. number MHE2011-00170. + TransMedia Catalonia. More information
Maria Antònia Martí Escayol (UAB). El discurs ambiental al manga. 24/05/12. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Iván Máñez (Global Asia Magazine). Presentación de la revista bilingüe español-chino Global Asia Magazine. 17/05/12. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Pan Wuyi (poet), with the cooperation of Brian Holton (poet and translator). Ermitaña del alma. 10/05/12. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Brian Holton (poet and translator). Translating the Void: Silence in Wang Wei's Buddhist Poetry. 10/05/12. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Javier Ching-Shan Hou (Taipei's Cultural and Economic Office representative in Spain). Taiwan, un país de oportunidades. 11/05/12. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
PhD students will present their research in three seminars. 15/01, 23/02, 19/04/12. More information
Artur Colom (UAB). China en África. 15/03/12. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Roger Goodman (University of Oxford). Internationalism or Self-preservation? Why Japanese Universities are so keen on attracting students from neighbouring countries. 15/03/12. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Miquel Edo (UAB). La hiperliteralidad más allá de los falsos amigos. 01, 06, 13, 15/03/12. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. More information
Anjhara Gómez (Univ. Sevilla). El turismo japonés en España: empresa, itinerarios e imágenes construidas. 08/03/12. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia. With the participation of Fundación Japón-Madrid.
Youna Kim (The American University of Paris). Popular Media Culture in Everyday Life: Korea/East Asia. 27/02-02/03/12. 10 h. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education, ref. number MHE2011-00170 + InterAsia.
Masayuki Sasaki (Urban Research Plaza, Osaka City University). Desarrollo de ciudades creativas: la experiencia japonesa. 01/03/12. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Seán Golden (UAB). Modernidad versus postmodernidad en China. 01/03/12. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Benito Elías García Valero (Universitat d'Alacant). Realismo mágico, física cuántica y Japón: representaciones de la realidad en las obras de Kenzaburo Oé y Haruki Murakami. 16/02/12. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Ana María Goy Yamamoto (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid). China multidimensional en el mundo. 25/01/12. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Fabio Alves (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais). Teoría de la Relevancia y Traducción: un análisis cognitivo-pragmático del comportamiento de traductores profesionales. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. PACTE.
Francisco Javier Haro Navejas (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, México D.F.). China multidimensional en el mundo. 09-13/01/12. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Francisco Javier Haro Navejas (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, México D.F.). El impacto de China en el nuevo orden geopolítico mundial. 2.12/01/12. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Gregor Benton (Cardiff University/Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). Prophets Unarmed: Chinese Trotskyists in Revolution, War, Gaol & the Return from Limbo. 14/12/11. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Gregor Benton (Cardiff University/Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). The Chinese in Cuba in International Perspective. 15/12/11. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Presentation of research lines at the Department of Translation and Interpreting. 15/11 and 22/11, 15:30-19:30. More information
Eduardo Daniel Oviedo (Universidad Nacional de Rosario). América Latina y China: modernización, relaciones estratégicas e intereses en el contexto de desconcentración económica mundial. 23/11/11. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Dolores P. Martínez (University of London). Representing Japan. 07-11/11/11. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. MA Seminar, InterAsia.
Dolores P. Martínez (University of London). A secular Japan? Some thoughts on religion in the 21st century. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Isabel Cervera (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid). Paisajes de la memoria. La obra de Li Gonglin (1049-1106). 03/11/11. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Héctor Delgado, Javier Serrano, Óscar Pino, Estel·la Oncins (CAIAC). SR system for Catalan & Android application for accessibility. 02/11/11. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. TransMedia Catalonia.
Yoshino Kosaku (Sophia University, Tokyo). Nationalism and Patriotism in Contemporary Japan: Personal Reflections. 27/10/11. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Horacio Curti (ESMUC, Institut del Teatre). La música japonesa. Organización y valores estéticos en su contexto cultural. 25/10/11. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Dae Sung OH (embajador de la República de Corea en España). ¿Por qué Corea? 27/10/11. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Young-mee Yu Cho (Rutgers University). Language Unleashed Through K-Pop: Emerging Rhymes and Puns. 21/10/11. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Oscar Zentner (Senior Fellow School of Social and Political Sciences de la University of Melbourne), Mercè Altimir (UAB). Mort i sexualitat al cinema japonès: a propòsit d'Ai no korida (L'imperi dels sentits, 1976) de Nagisa Oshima. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia, GETCC, Étienne Dolet.
Gordon Matthews (Chinese University of Hong Kong). Understanding Japanese Society through Life After Death. 02/06/11. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Gordon Matthews (Chinese University of Hong Kong). Ghetto at the Center of the World. Chungking Mansions, Hong Kong. 02/06/11. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Makiko Fukuda (UAB). Els japonesos residents a Catalunya: el seu perfil sociocultural. 26/05/11. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Calvin Chen (Mount Holyoke College). "Made in Italy"... by Chinese. 03/05/11. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Jesús Sayols (UAB). La traducció de la interculturalitat. 07/04/11. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Charlotte Bosseaux (University of Edinburgh). Academic Writing and Project Management. 23/03/11. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. Erasmus Life Long Learning Programme.
Amaury García Rodríguez (Centro de Estudios de Asia y África, El Colegio de México). La cultura popular-urbana de los Chonin. 04/03/11. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Daniel Méndez ( La batalla por la información en China. Medios de comunicación e Internet. 31/01/11. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Consuelo Marco (Universidad Complutense de Madrid). La enseñanza-aprendizaje de la lengua china y su adaptación al MCER: aspectos lingüísticos y culturales. 02/02/11. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Shiru Chang (Universitat d'Estudis Estrangers de Beijing/ Institut Confuci de Barcelona). Factores culturales en las relaciones económicas con China. 13/01/11. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Ian Mason. Translation Studies: Model and Approaches. 10-13/01/11. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. Official MA.
Kohama Hirohis (Universitat de Shizuoka). Japanese Economy: Dynamic Development after the Second War World and the Two Lost Decades. 11/11/10. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Fernando Cid Lucas (AEO, UAM). Reminiscencias del teatro tradicional japonés en el manga, el anime y los videojuegos. 28/10/2010. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Fernando Cid Lucas (AEO, UAM). La visión del ‘gaijin’: el teatro japonés en los textos occidentales. De Francisco Xavier a Armen Godel. 28/10/10. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Sharon O’Brien (CTTS-DCU). Research Methodologies in the Field of Translation Technologies. 20-22/09/10. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar . Tradumàtica. Activity financed through the mobility program of professors in doctoral programs (mention of quality) 2009-2010. Dirección General de Política Universitaria. Ref. DCT2009-00145-P.
Pablo Romero-Fresco (Roehampton University), Elena Di Giovanni (Università degli Studi di Macerata). Academic Writing in English. 07/06/10-18/06/10. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar . TransMedia Catalonia. Activity financed through the mobility program of professors in doctoral programs (mention of quality) 2009-2010. Dirección General de Política Universitaria. Ref. DCT2009-00145-P.
Laura Clavería (Universidad de Zaragoza). Artistas japoneses en España. Una aproximación al caso de Cataluña. 26/05/10. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia
Andrew Duchowski (Clemson University).Seminari avançant d’eye-tracking. Maig del 2010. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. TransMedia Catalonia.
Chris Burgess (Faculty of Liberal Arts, Department of International and Cultural Studies, Tsuda College).Homogeneous or Multicultural? Marriage, Minorities and Migrants in a Rapidly Globalising Japan. 06-09/04/10. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia. Activity financed through the mobility program of professors in doctoral programs (mention of quality) 2009-2010. Dirección General de Política Universitaria. Ref. DCT2009-00145-P.
Isabel García Izquierdo (GENTT, Universitat Jaume I). Géneros textuales y traducción. 22/03/10, 24/03/10. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. PACTE.
Johan Lagerkvist (The Swedish Institute of International Affairs, SIIA). Politics and Culture in Chinese Media and Society before Democracy. 8-12/03/2010. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia. Activity financed through the mobility program of professors in doctoral programs (mention of quality) 2009-2010. Dirección General de Política Universitaria. Ref. DCT2009-00145-P.
Diversos ponents. Seminarios de traducción para formar traductores en el ámbito del budismo para la fundación internacional FPMT. 02/10. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. Trafil.
Anna Iñesta (Escuela Superior de Administración y Dirección de Empresas). Sistemas y procesos implicados en la adquisición de competencias. 12/01/10. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. PACTE.
Hugo Córdova Quero (Sophia University). Fe y vida cotidiana de los inmigrantes japoneses-brasileros en Japón. 23/10/09. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia.
Irene Masdeu (UAB). El arte dongba contemporáneo: tradición, modernidad y turismo en la sociedad naxi de Lijiang. 02/10/09. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia.
Laia Manonelles (UB). Las vanguardias artísticas en China: una aproximación al arte de acción. 30/03/09. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia.
Fabio Alves (LETRA, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais). Modos de lectura en traducción: un estudio con eyetracking sobre esfuerzo y efecto. 25/02/09. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. PACTE.
Gustavo Pita Céspedes (UAB). Aproximaciones al estudio de la interculturalidad en el mundo samurái. 04/12/08. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia.
Jordi Codó (Universitat Ramon Llull).Orientalismo y análisis cinematográfico. Tropiezos en el acercamiento a los cines asiáticos. 23/10/08. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia.
Shi-Xu (Centre for Contemporary Chinese Discourse Studies, Zhejiang University).Asian Discourses: Foundations for Multiculturalist Approaches. 26/09/08. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia.
Shi-Xu (Centre for Contemporary Chinese Discourse Studies, Zhejiang University).A Discourse Approach to Contemporary Chinese Media on Human Rights. 26/09/08. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia.
Naoki Sakai (Cornell University).Language as a Countable and the Regime of Translation. 2-6/06/2008. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar . InterAsia.
Roger Casas (Regional Center for Social Sciences and Sustainable Development, Chiang Mai University). Estado, religión y etnicidad en la República Popular China. El caso de Spisong Banna.19/05/2008. InterAsia.
Lydia H. Liu (Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Institute for Comparative Literature and Society, Columbia University). Devolver al remitente. La vía postal de la voluntad política. 05/03/2008. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia.
Alberto K. Fonseca Sakai (Center for Languages Education, Josai International University). Comunidades latinoamericanas en Japón. Nuevas identidades en construcción. 27/02/2008. Permanent Research and PhD Seminar. InterAsia.