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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Departament of Sociology

Doctoral thesis defense of José Eduardo Zawadsky Martínez-Portillo

10 Oct 2024
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Trayectorias laborales en ocupaciones de bajos salarios: los casos de España y Chile


This research seeks to understand the work experience of workers in low-wage occupations. To this end, the research proposes a mixed methods and comparative study. The incorporation of the quantitative perspective accounts for a structural view of working poverty, while the perspective of the trajectories in the qualitative stage accounts for the experience of workers in low-wage occupations. The perspective of the work trajectories allows us to understand the work experience over time, both in the productive and reproductive dimensions and from the workers point of view. For its part, the comparative design and the choice of the cases of Spain and Chile allow us to look at the object of study in two different scenarios, identifying similarities and differences, which allows us to account for the mediating role of the institutional dimension of each case study.


Date: 24/10/24, 15h

Sala Graus

Facultat de Ciències Polítiques
