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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Research Ethics Committee

Ongoing or updated training for staff members working with experimental animals

Article 20 of Ministerial Order ECC/566/2015, of 20 March, establishes that to maintain the initial training of staff members who handle animals for experimentation purposes, continuous training activities must be carried out. These activities aim to guarantee improvement and must include the following:

  1. Giving or attending courses, seminars, presenting papers, workshops or scientific conferences, authorised stays in research centres or other activities that are aimed at learning new techniques, methods or regulations applicable to animal testing or updates.

  2. Training related to the modules corresponding to the specific function.

  3. Each function requires a minimum number of hours of training activities:

  • Function a): 20 hours over 8 years.

  • Function b): 25 hours over 8 years.

  • Function c): 45 hours over 8 years.

  • Function d): 40 hours over 8 years.

  • Function e): 90 hours over 8 years.

  • Function f): 90 hours over 8 years.

If more than one function is requested, the hours of the category that requires the highest number of hours will always be expected.

  1. The training activities are accredited with diplomas or certificates of attendance that specify the content and duration of the training activity.

  2. They can lead to ongoing training for the different functions.

  3. They must respect the conditions for the use of live animals in teaching and training practices.

The competent bodies (Government of Catalonia) are responsible for verifying the ongoing training of staff members working with experimental animals, at least every eight years. This competent body may suspend recognition of this training if the continuing education requirements are not met.


Training maintenance