Legislation and guides
The purpose of the legislation is the protection of animals that are used or intended to be used for experimental, scientific or educational purposes, to avoid causing them any type of unjustified pain or suffering, to avoid any useless repetition of experimental procedures and to minimise the number of animals used.
The scope of application includes any non-human vertebrate living being, including forms of development of own and autonomous life, excluding foetal and embryonic forms, and the exercise of non-experimental livestock and veterinary activity.
Ratification of the European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for Experimental and other Scientific Purposes, Strasbourg, 18 March 1986 – Official State Gazette (BOE), 25 October 1990.
Ratification of the Protocol amending the European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for Experimental and other Scientific Purposes, done at Strasbourg on June 22, 1998. (BOE No. 294, of December 9, 2005).
Recommendation of the Commission, of 18 June 2007, on guidelines for the accommodation and care of animals used for experiments and other scientific purposes.
Directive 2010/63/EU, of 22 September 2010, on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes.
Reglamento (UE) 2019/6 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, of 11 December 2018, on veterinary medicinal products and repealing Directiva 2001/82/CE.
Royal Decree 53/2013, of 1 February, which sets out the basic rules to protect animals used in experiments and for other scientific purposes, including teaching.
Royal Decree 118/2021, of 23 February, which modifies Royal Decree 53/2013, of February 1, which establishes the basic rules applicable for the protection of animals used in experimentation and other scientific purposes , including teaching.
Law 32/2007, of 7 November, on the care of animals, with regard to their exploitation, transport, experimentation and slaughter.
Law 6/2013, of 11 June, modifying Law 32/2007, of 7 November, on the care of animals, with regard to their exploitation, transport, experimentation and slaughter.
Order ECC/566/2015, of 20 March, establishing the qualifications required of personnel who handle animals used, bred or supplied for experiments or for other scientific purposes, including teaching.
Royal Decree 1386/2018, of November 19, which modifies Royal Decree 53/2013, of February 1, which establishes the basic rules applicable for the protection of animals used in experimentation and other scientific purposes , including teaching.
- Royal Decree 1551/2011, of 31 October, to complement the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications by establishing five professional qualifications within the Agricultural professional family, including: a) care of animals used for research and other scientific purposes; b) performing experimental procedures with animals for research and other scientific purposes.
- Royal Decree 983/2013, of 13 December, to establish four professionalism certificates in the Agricultural professional family, included in the National Listing of Professionalism Certificates
- Commission Implementing Decision, of 20 December 2013, which corrects Annexe 2 of Implementing Decision 2012/707/EU, and establishes a common format for the submission of the information pursuant to Directive 2010/63/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes (L 10/18 published 15/01/2014)
- Commission implementing decision of 14 November 2012 establishing a common format for the submission of the information pursuant to Directive 2010/63/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes (L 320/33 published 17/11/2012)
- Directive 2010/63/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2010 on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes(L 276/33, published 20/10/2010)
- Correction of errors in Directive 2010/63/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2010 on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes.(L 28/49, published 04/02/2015)
- Law 6/2013, of 11 June, modifying Law 32/2007, of 7 November, on the care of animals, with regard to their exploitation, transport, experimentation and slaughter.(140 no. Law or Legislative Decree published 12/06/2013)
- Law 32/2007, of 7 November, on the care of animals, with regard to their exploitation, transport, experimentation and slaughter. (268 no. Law or Legislative Decree published 08/11/2007)
- Royal Decree 53/2013, of 1 February, which sets out the basic rules to protect animals used in experiments and for other scientific purposes, including teaching.(34 no. Royal Decree published 08/02/2013)
- Law 5/1995, of 21 de junio, to protect animals used in experiments and for other scientific purposes. (2073 no. DOGC published 10/07/1995)
- Decree 214/1997, of 30 July, regulating the use of animals in experiments and for other scientific purposes. (2450 no. DOGC published 07/08/1997)
- Decree 164/1998, of 8 July, modifying Decree 214/1997, of 30 July, regulating the use of animals in experiments and for other scientific purposes. (2680 no. Decree published 14/07/1998)
- Decree 286/1997, of 31 July, modifying Decree 214/1997, of 30 July, regulating the use of animals in experiments and for other scientific purposes. (2518 no. Decree published 14/11/1997)
- Red Española para el Desarrollo de Métodos Alternativos a la Experimentación Animal (REMA)
- OECD Test Guidelines for Chemicals
- European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare
- JRC news and updates
Useful links
- Bienestar Animal Welfare This link opens a new window
- Animal welfare: Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food This link opens a new window
- Animal Welfare Education Centre (AWEC) This link opens a new window
- Risk assessment with experimental animals (UAB Institutional Biosafety Committee)) This link opens a new window
- Isogenic This link opens a new window
- European Animal Research Association (EARA) This link opens a new window
- Sage Journals: Laboratory Animals This link opens a new window
- Animal Research Perceptions vs Reality (flipsnack) This link opens a new window
- Calculation of the number of required breedings for getting a desired result This link opens a new window
- Article: group planning for breedings of gene-modified organisms This link opens a new window
- Calculation according to the Mendelian frequency, the Festing method or the Poisson method This link opens a new window