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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Research Ethics Committee

Code of Good Practice

Good practices in research involve a good intellectual attitude that is also transferred to a good work attitude. They are related to how research is planned and developed, how results are recorded and disseminated and how knowledge derived from research is disseminated, applied and exploited. 

The CBPR is a collective self-regulatory instrument and constitutes a set of guidelines for action, recommendations and commitments on the performance of research activities. 

Its strength comes from the fact that it includes legal precepts, but also from its voluntary acceptance by all the actors involved in research, particularly researchers. This acceptance makes what is contained in it what renowned researchers consider appropriate in terms of the attitudes, behaviour and ethical commitment that high-level research deserves. 

This document is applicable to researchers in training at the UAB, as well as to entities in which the university has a majority stake or control. 

Objectives of the CBPR

  • Improve the quality of research in all fields.

  • The establishment of mechanisms to guarantee honesty, rigor, and responsibility in research. 

  • The acquisition of good scientific practices during the training stage of researchers.