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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Departament of Physics


The Department Council

The Council, lead by the Department Director, is the collegiate body in charge of the administration of the Department.

Its membership consists of: all the academics that hold a PhD, a fraction of a third of the non-PhD academics, of the investigators in training and the service and administrative crew, and a student of the third cicle, representing the Department students.

The representatives and their substitutes are elected through universal suffrage, and the vote is both secret and free, according to the terms of the Electoral Regulations of the UAB. This representatives stay in charge for 3 years.

The main powers of the Department Council are the following:

  •     Write and pass the Department Regulations, choose its director and approve, distribute and execute the funds.
  •     Pass the yearly compilation of its activities.
  •     Resolve the summoning of theaching positions and design the members of the selecting comissions.

The Executive Comittee

The Executive Comittee is the delegate comission of the Department Council, and the main managing body of the Department.

The Executive Comitee is formed by the Department Director, a representative for each departmental Unit, the directive team members, and five members elected by the Council, one of which must be a student.

The Management Team

The Management Team is formed by the Director, the Secretary, the Departamental Manager and the coordinators of the following areas: University Teaching and Faculty, Economy and Postgraduate Studies, Graduate Studies and Exterior Relations.

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