Design and plan
During the process of designing and planning your citizen science project, we recommend that you consult these resources, and if you want more personalised advice, contact the citizen science hub.
- García, F.S. et al. (2021). Finding What You Need: A Guide to Citizen Science Guidelines. In: , et al. The Science of Citizen Science. Springer, Cham.
- Resources related to scientific integrity and Data Ethics in the Participatory Sciences Toolkit
- Citizen Science Toolkit: Need help to plan your intervention?
Phases of the research project in which citizens can be involved
1.1 Identify citizens' concerns
1.2 Turn the issue into a research question
1.3 Build and nurture the community
2.1 Design the study to answer the research question
2.2 Prepare the tools to collect for data collection
2.3 Give citizens a voice in decision-making
3.1 Collect data
3.2 Analysse the data collected
3.3 Evaluate the impact of the project
4.1 Disseminate the project's results
4.2 Co-create, plan and execute actions
4.3 Legacy
Depending on the characteristics of the project, citizens can be included in one or in several phases of the process, offering different levels of engagement, and ensuring that their participation turns into generation of scientific knowledge.