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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Rafael Tasis Collection

Rafael Tasis (1906-1966) was a multifaceted writer, literary critic, bookseller, journalist, and politician. He contributed to various publications, including La mainada, La Publicitat, Mirador, Revista de Catalunya, Serra d’Or, La nostra revista, and Pont blau, among others.

He distinguished himself as a novelist with works such as Sol ponent (1953), Abans d'ahir (1956), and Tres (1962), and particularly excelled in the crime genre with titles like La Bíblia valenciana (1955), És hora de plegar (1956), and Un crim al Paral·lelo (1960). He also authored theatrical works and historical narratives, including La vida del rei en Pere III (1957) and Joan I, el rei caçador i músic (1959). As a literary critic, he wrote Una visió de conjunt de la novel·la catalana (1935), La literatura catalana moderna (1937), and La novel·la catalana (1954). He translated works by Oscar Wilde and Aldous Huxley, among others.

The collection, donated by Rafael Tasis and Ferrer to the UAB, has been catalogued through the collaboration of the Humanities Library and the Department of Catalan Philology.

Collection description:  The collection consists of a portion of his personal and professional documentation. It primarily includes manuscripts and typescripts of his own works, correspondence, and both professional and personal documents, among other materials.

Collection date range: 1930-1967  

Collection incorporation dates: 2013 and 2023

Depositary library: Humanities Library

Rights: Users agree to use this documentation solely for research purposes, to properly cite the source when disclosed, and to provide the Library with any work resulting from their consultation. Consultation or reproduction of the documents does not grant any rights to the intellectual property contained within. Any use that contravenes applicable laws and the rights arising from them is the sole responsibility of the user.

Additional information

Black and white photo of Rafael Tasis