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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

A new personal collection at the Humanities Library

11 Feb 2025
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The Humanities Library at the UAB has completed the cataloguing of the Francesc Parcerisas collection, which includes manuscripts and typescripts of his translations of Italian, English, and French works, among which is notable The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien.

The two student interns and Francesc Parcerisas in front of the display case where part of the Francesc Parcerisas Collection is exhibited.

In mid-October of this year, two students from the Catalan Philology degree at UAB, Anna Botifoll and Carla Font, began cataloguing the Francesc Parcerisas collection.

Deposited at the Humanities Library, the collection does not include all of Parcerisas' documents, as part of it was donated to the Library of Catalonia. The material being catalogued consists primarily of manuscripts and typescripts of Parcerisas' translations of Italian, English, and French works. Notably, it includes translations of The Lord of the Rings, the renowned trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien. This section of the collection features the typescripts of the first and second books, as well as galley proofs, geographical maps, and other documents.

As of today, the cataloguing process is complete. However, the collection is still being processed, so it is not yet accessible via the Humanities Library’s personal collections page. In the meantime, other collections, such as those of Pere Calders, Jesús Moncada, and Rafael Tasis, are available for consultation.

We invite you to visit the exhibition showcasing the personal collection of Francesc Parcerisas, located on the third floor of the Humanities Library. Here, you'll have the chance to explore unique documents and gain a deeper insight into his work as a translator and writer. Don't miss out!

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