Jordi Arbonès Collection
Jordi Arbonès (1929–2001) was a Catalan translator and cultural activist, a member of the Penya Cultural Barcelonesa and a contributor to the magazine Inquietud before moving to Argentina in 1956. In Buenos Aires, he participated in the Casal de Catalunya, founding the Obra Cultural Catalana (1966) and translating over a hundred books from English into Catalan and fifty into Spanish.
Jordi Arbonès's personal collection was donated to the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona in 2003. Shortly thereafter, the Jordi Arbonès Chair was established to preserve, study, and promote his legacy.
Collection description: The collection, which includes part of his personal and professional documentation, primarily consists of manuscripts and typescripts of his works, along with correspondence and both professional and family documentation. It also includes a selection of his personal library.
Collection range date: 1909-2009
Collection incorporation date: 2003
Depositary library: Humanities Library
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