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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Jaume Camps Collection

Jaume Camps Rabadà (Vic, 1930 – Present)

Jaume Camps Rabadà is a veterinarian who studied at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Zaragoza, graduating in 1954. In the first phase of his career (1954–1962), he worked with pigs in the Osona region and with poultry in Les Garrigues. He then continued his professional journey at Granja Vila de Reus, where he gained insight into the early transformation of the poultry industry, particularly with the introduction of American chicken coops and live vaccines for Newcastle disease. At the PRAGSA Laboratory, he worked as an advisor to feed manufacturers and spent time in France, where he was introduced to the first “lick stone” substitutes for salt blocks.

Between 1962 and 1993, he was part of the Purina White Hen Technical Service, initially working in the pig, poultry, and rabbit sector for twenty years, and then focusing on companion animals for the final eleven years. Notable positions during this time include serving as Vice-President of the World Rabbit Science Association (WRSA) and President of the Asociación Española de Cunicultura (ASESCU) from 1976 to 1980. He also presided over the Organizing Committee for the II World Rabbit Breeding Congress (Barcelona, 1980) and led the World Scientific Rabbit Breeding Association (WRSA) from 1980 to 1984. Additionally, he was a key figure in establishing and directing the Animal Nutrition Research Centre "Mas Bernich" in Masquefa from 1970 to 1993.

 He is currently an active collaborator with the Academy of Veterinary Sciences of Catalonia (ACVC) and serves as President of the Catalan Association of Veterinary History (ACHV). 

Collection description: This collection consists of personal and family documents, materials related to his professional activities, professional correspondence, scientific papers, drawings, graphs, tables, and photographs. It includes a total of 843 documents from the period 1967 to 2012 and occupies six boxes. Part of the collection has been digitised.

Depositary library: Veterinary Library

Rights: Users agree to use this documentation solely for research purposes, to properly cite the source when disclosed, and to provide the Library with any work resulting from their consultation. Consultation or reproduction of the documents does not grant any rights to the intellectual property contained within. Any use that contravenes applicable laws and the rights arising from them is the sole responsibility of the user.

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Image Jaume Camps Collection