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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Hypatia Trust Collection

Hypatia Trust is a UK-based educational organisation that advocates for women's rights through research and training focused on issues affecting women in areas such as family, community, and society. One of its primary goals is to gather and make publicly available documentation on women's achievements. The establishment of the Hypatia Collection in 1996, located at the University of Exeter, has been a key initiative, comprising a unique array of resources about and for women.

Hypatia Trust té com a propòsit difondre la seva col·lecció a través de diverses institucions educatives i, gràcies a la mediació de la professora Aránzazu Usandizaga, del Departament de Filologia Anglesa i de Germanística, part d’aquesta col·lecció s’ha integrat a la Biblioteca d’Humanitats. La Col·lecció Hypatia Trust consta de gairebé 900 llibres sobre literatura, cultura, societat i història escrita per dones o sobre dones, tot en llengua anglesa.

Hypatia Trust aims to share its collection with various educational institutions, and thanks to the efforts of Professor Aránzazu Usandizaga from the Department of English Philology and German Studies, part of this collection has been integrated into the Humanities Library. The Hypatia Trust Collection features nearly 900 books on literature, culture, society, and history, all written by or about women, and all in English.

Collection date range: 1885-2014

Collection incorporation date: 2015

Depositary libraryHumanities Library

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