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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Fourth edition 2019

Communication Library and General Newspaper Archives

Miquel de Moragas i Spà (Barcelona, 1943)

Honorary Professor in the Department of Media, Communication, and Culture at the UAB. 

Miquel de Moragas was the founder and first director of the Centre for Olympic Studies (CEO-UAB, 1988-2009) and the Institute of Communication (InCom-UAB, 1997-2009). 

A renowned researcher, he has published extensively on topics such as the theory and sociology of communication, cultural and communication policies, new information technologies, and sport, particularly the Olympic Games. His most recent book is Barcelona, Symbolic City (2016). 

In 1971, upon the establishment of the Faculty of Information Sciences at UAB, he was entrusted with the creation of the University’s library. 

Dr Moragas generously donated his personal library to the University. This valuable collection, comprising 750 books and journals on subjects such as communication, philosophy, literary criticism, history, politics, and the Olympic Games, is available for consultation at the Communication Library and General Newspaper Archives. 

Humanities Library

Martí Olaya Galceran (Barcelona, 1927-2014)

Martí Olaya Galceran was a writer deeply connected to Cavall Fort magazine, serving on its editorial board from the outset. 

Olaya wrote a variety of children’s and youth stories, and also translated works from French into Catalan. Some of his most notable works include A la vora del mar, Terra endins, Contes tendres, and Una sargantana prenent el sol. He was a regular contributor to several newspapers and magazines, including l’Avui, La Vanguardia, Diari de Sant Cugat, Serra d’Or, and Revista de Sants. 

In 1986, Olaya received the Jaume I Award for Civic Action from the Lluís Carulla Foundation, and in 1976, he won both the Serra d'Or Criticism Award for Theatre and the Award from the Barcelona Dramatic Group. 

His personal collection is housed in the Humanities Library, where it has already been fully catalogued and classified. It is now accessible to the public and can be consulted via this website. 

José Manuel Blecua Perdices (Saragossa, 1939)

José Manuel Blecua Perdices is a distinguished philologist, and the son and brother of fellow philologists José Manuel Blecua Teijeiro and Alberto Blecua Perdices. 

A PhD in Romance Philology, Blecua has been affiliated with UAB since 1968. He has held various prominent positions, including Professor of Spanish Language, Vice-Rector, Director of the Publications Service, and founder and director of the first Seminar of Philology and Informatics. 

Blecua directed the Diccionario general de sinónimos y antónimos, an update of the repertoire of Samuel Gili Gaya (1892-1976), and has contributed significantly to lexicography, the history of linguistic ideas in Spain, and the application of new technologies to the study of Spanish. He is also well-known for co-authoring the Gramática española with Juan Alcina Franch. 

Dr Blecua has donated his personal library to UAB, which also includes collections from his father and Juan Alcina Franch. This invaluable contribution is now housed at the Humanities Library. 

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Friends of the Libraries Award 2019