David Rosenthal Collection
David H. Rosenthal (1945-1992) was a poet, essayist, music critic, and translator from Catalan to English. He is well known for his translations of prominent Catalan writers such as Mercè Rodoreda, Joan Perucho, Joan Sales, Vicent Andrés Estellés, and J. V. Foix. His most significant work is the English translation of the chivalric novel Tirant lo Blanc, which has been published in pocket editions in both the USA and UK.
Collection description: The collection includes handwritten and typed translations, as well as proof copies of his major translated works, such as Tirant lo Blanc, El llibre de les bèsties, Incerta glòria, La plaça del diamant, and El carrer de les camèlies, among others. His notebooks also contain unpublished writings.
Collection incorporation date: 2008
Depositary library: Humanities Library
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