Data and statistics : General
The subjects in the catalogue are in Catalan. If you search for the subject Estadística you will find documents about this science. If you look for statistical data, the following subjects may be useful: Estadística - Anuaris or Estadística - Bases de dades. If you are looking for data on a specific topic or geographical area, search by keyword adding estadístiques. For example: Catalunya treball estadístiques, Barcelona salut estadístiques.
We recommend Statista an international database that includes more than one million statistics from 22,500 sources. It also includes industry reports and trends, marketing and consumer studies, dossiers, surveys and infographics.
Although in our library you can find some documents in the topographical 31 (general statistics) and 312 (demography), the thickness of the documentation is at the Social Sciences Library, where the Statistics Unit is located.
- Statistical Institute of Catalonia (Idescat). All types of statistical data (population, economy, society) and also by geographical areas. It has different publications and among them the Statistical Yearbook of Catalonia.
- Open government. Website of the Generalitat de Catalunya with public data from different agencies
- Barcelona's town hall. It has a Statistics Department with data by districts / neighbourhoods and topics. For municipal statistics, in addition to the IDESCAT, the websites of each city halls usually provides information, and many of them have open data portals.
- National Statistics Institute . It includes the INEBase, a database with all its statistical information, and it elaborates diverse publications of statistical synthesis (Statistical yearbook of Spain, Spain in figures, etc). Its website includes a directory of international scope (regions, ministries, agencies by countries, international organisations, etc).
- Website of the Spanish government. It allows to consult statistics, surveys and projections provided by public administrations and that can be reused freely. You can filter by economic sector, date, etc.
- Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (CIS). It carries out different studies based on surveys: electoral, monthly barometers of public opinion or on monographic topics.
- Eurostat. Statistical Office of the European Union. It includes indicators, general statistics, by economic sector, country (with maps and an interactive atlas), etc. A database allows browsing or searching by topic. It produces diverse publications.
- European Data Portal. It collects information from more than 70 data catalogues of the states member of the European Union.
- EU Open data portal. It gives statistical information elaborated by the institutions and other organisms of the EU. The data can be reused, linked and redistributed.
- European statistical information. INE webpage with links, information about Eurostat, etc.con enlaces, información sobre Eurostat, etc.
- UNData. Indicators of all topics and of global scope, collected by the United Nations. You can browse by databases, data source or topics.
- World dataBank. Indicators of all topics and countries of the world since 1960. From the World Bank
- DataStream. Statistical database on finance, business and economy. Available at the Social Sciences Library.
- International Monetary Fund. Its website includes several statistics databases and publications.
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). It has a very complete statistics page.