Communication dictionaries
- Diccionaris: comunicació. From Pompeu Fabra University (UPF)
- Glosarios ACTA
- Lexicool. Includes dictionaries of advertising, marketing, television, audiovisual, cinema, journalism, library science and photography
- Terminology forum. Maintained by the University of Vaasa, Finland. Includes language and thematic dictionaries with sections such as Books and library, Communication and media and Marketing and advertising.
- Diccionari històric de periodistes catalans. By Institut d'Estudis Catalans
- Diccionario básico de estrategia digital & posicionamiento de contenidos. Developed within the UAB master's degree in Journalism and Innovation in Digital Contents
- Dictionary of media and communication studies. Subscribed by the UAB libraries
- Glosario gráfico de periodismo. By Gustavo Sánchez Muñoz
- The International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies. Subscribed by the UAB libraries
- Journalism & media glossary. By The news manual
- Journalism and publishing terms. By
- Common Language Marketing Dictionary. Sponsored by the main marketing associations
- Diccionario de marketing y comunicación digital. The most used terms related to Inbound Marketing, SEO, Social Media, Marketing and Digital communication. By 40deFiebre
- Diccionario de comunicación. Dictionary of RRPPnet, Argentine portal devoted to public relations
- Diccionario básico de estrategia digital & posicionamiento de contenidos. Developed within the UAB master's degree in Journalism and Innovation in Digital Contents
- Diccionario SEO. Dictionary on Search engine optimization
- Dictionary of public relations measurement and research. By the Institute for Public Relations
- Glosario publicitario. By Adlatina
- Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB). On its website there are several glossaries of interactive advertising
- Marketing research glossary. Search by term, definition or thematic area. By Quirk'
- Marketing dictionary. By the Monash University
- Glossary of Digital Marketing Terms
- Media buyers glossary. Focused on print advertising
- Terminologia del comerç electrònic. By the Termcat
- Terminologia de màrqueting digital. By the Termcat
- Dictionary of media and communications. By Marcel Danesi
- Dictionary of video and television technology. By Keith Jack and Vladimir Tsatsoulin. Digital book subscribed by the UAB libraries
- Glossary of audio & video media terminology. By Wavelength Media
- Glossary of RFID terms. Dictionary of terms related to radio frequency identification. By. From RFID Journal
- International dictionary of broadcasting and film. By Desi K. Bognár. Digital book subscribed by the UAB libraries
- Radio programming and production glossary. University of Delaware
- Tècnic/a d'audiovisuals. Catalan-Spanish glossary . Published by the Government of Catalonia
- Vocabulaire de l'audiovisuel et de la communication. From the Commission générale de terminologie et de néologie
- The Animator's reference book. Animation dictionary, subscribed by the UAB libraries
- Cineglos. Audiovisual glossary of cinematographic terminology. Many of the terms are accompanied by fragments of films that visually show the cinematographic technique that is defined
- International dictionary of broadcasting and film. Dictionary subscribed by the UAB libraries
- FilmLand dictionary. About production and post-production
- Film terms glossary. Illustrated Includes actors, screenwriters, directors, genres, history, etc. By Tim Dirks
- Glosario de cine. Part of the film blog
- Glossary of film and TV terms. From Screenonline, webpage of British Film Institute
- Glossary of motion picture terms. From Kodak
- Glossary of filmographic terms. From the International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF)
- Moving image genre-form guide. Thesaurus of the Library of Congress, aimed at cataloguers, on film forms and genres
- Online film dictionary. By Oliver Heidelbach. Equivalencies in twenty languages
- Diccionario de fotografía. From
- Diccionario de fotografía. By Florencio Sánchez
- Diccionario de fotografía y diseño gráfico. From Fotonostra
- Diccionario de términos fotográficos. From the Motivarte photography school
- A Glossary of photographic terms. From Photography in Malaysia
- Lèxic bàsic de fotografia: català-castellà, francès, anglès. From the linguistic service of the University of Illes Balears
- Ariane: glossaire des archives
- Diccionario inglés- castellano. From Granada University
- Multilingual glossary for art librarians. IFLA Section of Art Libraries
- ODLIS: online dictionary for library and information science. Very exhaustive
- TICcionari. Dictionary of Information and Communication Technologies
- Vocabulari d'arxivística català-castellà-anglès and Vocabulari de biblioteconomia castellà-català. Universitat de Barcelona
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