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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Institut de Neurociències (INc-UAB)


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  • croma 24 (en)

    CROMA 2024

    Last May 21, we received 42 students from different schools from El Vallès, who participated in the CROMA program, organized by the FAS.

  • Premi Optimistas Comprometidos (en)

    Dr. Albert Quintana received the committed optimist in science award

    The Anoche tuve un sueño magazine awarded Dr. Albert Quintana for his project to create a kit to detect antibiotic resistance.

  • Bosses d'ajut viatges (en)
    • PhD
    • 22 04 2024

    Bosses d'ajut per assistir a congressos i reunions científiques (PhD en Neurociències)

    Per contribuir en la formació dels/les estudiants del programa de PhD en Neurociències de l'INc-UAB, mitjançant l’assistència a congressos i reunions científiques on presentin el seu treball experimental, s'ha convocat una beca de viatges pel 2024.

  • Calcotada INc

    INc-UAB Calçotada

    The Neurodocs Student Association organized a calçotada last April 6, which brought together around 30 members of the Institute.

  • Escolab 24 (en)

    Activities for the Brain Awareness Week

    The Brain Awareness Week is a global initiative to which the Institute joins every year to give visibility to the research that is done on this organ and the nervous system in general.

  • Col·laboració amb AdSalutem

    Collaboration with AdSalutem

    The Institute has signed a collaboration agreement with AdSalutem, a reference center in sleep medicine and brain health. The idea of ¿¿the agreement is to promote collaborations between INc-UAB groups and professionals from the centre.

  • TRPV2

    New therapeutic approaches for hypertension through TRPV2 proteins

    Researchers at the Institute have carried out two revealing studies on TRPV2, a key ion channel in several cellular functions, which points to it as a possible new therapeutic target in the treatment of hypertension. On the one hand, they have discovered the vessel-dilating effects of its activation and, on the other, they have identified a molecule capable of activating it in a more potent way than the drugs known to date.

  • c elegans (eng)

    New animal model created to study Parkinson's disease before neurodegeneration appears

    A research team led by Dr Esther Dalfó has managed to generate and validate a new animal model.  This model enables the examination of the initial phases of Parkinson's disease, occurring prior to the onset of motor symptoms, and the exploration of molecular processes preceding neuronal degeneration. The new model, based on the Caenorhabditis elegans worm, emerges as an essential tool in creating future therapies aimed at stopping the characteristic loss of neuronal structure and function seen in the disease.

  • blood vassel (en)

    Anti-cancer drug could improve symptoms after stroke

    A study coordinated by Dr. Jiménez-Altayó demonstrates in animal models the benefits of vorinostat after having suffered a stroke. The drug, used in humans to treat cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, has been proved to mitigate brain injuries and help in restoring brain tissue.

  • Laboratori Stress Protein kinases (en)

    Interview to Dr. Paula Escudero

    Dr. Paula Escudero did a postdoc at the laboratory coordinated by Dr. Jose Manuel López Blanco, with whom she has recently published an article on how the cell culture medium conditions influence the study of Lesch-Nyhan's neurological disease.