Activities for the Brain Awareness Week
The Brain Awareness Week is a global initiative to which the Institute joins every year to give visibility to the research that is done on this organ and the nervous system in general.
The Brain Awareness Week was celebrated internationally on the week of March the 11-17th. The Institute organized and participated in several outreach activities for all audiences:
- On the one hand, together with the educational cooperative Eduxarxa and thanks to the collaboration of the Sociedad Española de Neurociencias (SENC), we developed didactic materials to work in the classroom, which were downloaded by 37 schools and high schools. In addition, the Pere Fontdevila high school, in Gironella, and the Sant Nicolau School, in Sabadell, were chosen to receive a talk by a researcher (Dr. Laura Cutando or Sara Serrano), explaining their research.
- Also, students from the scientific itinerary of the Vedruna de Gràcia school came to visit our technical laboratories (microscopy, histology, cultures and molecular biology). It was within the framework of Escolab, an initiative by Barcelona City Council to introduce research centers to high school students.
- Finally, together with the UAB Mental Health CORE, we organized a new edition of the Cervella't series of online talks, where several researchers from the Institute explained their research to a non-specialized adult audience. It was very successful, as there were more than 200 people registered.
We can’t wait for the next year!
With the collaboration of: