Principal Investigadors
Dr. José Aguilera This link opens a new window
Molecular neuroprotection
Dr. Raül Andero This link opens a new window
Translational mechanisms of fear memory
Dr. Antonio Armario This link opens a new window
Neurobiology of stress and addiction
Dr. Carlos Barcia This link opens a new window
Dr. Jose Ramon Bayascas This link opens a new window
Signalling in the central nervous system
Dr. Assumpció Bosch This link opens a new window
Gene therapy strategies for neuropathies
Dr. Lorena Chanes This link opens a new window
Cognitive and Affective Science Laboratory
Dr. Miguel Chillón This link opens a new window
Gene therapy for neurodegenerative and dimielinating diseases
Dr. Josep Cladera This link opens a new window
Structural Biology of Alzheimer's disease
Dr. Enrique Claro This link opens a new window
Calcium signaling and metabolism
Dr. Margalida Coll This link opens a new window
Physical exercise and cognitive functions
Dra. Esther Dalfo
Dr. Michael Edel This link opens a new window
Control of Pluripotency and Cell Reprogramming Laboratory
Dr. Rosa Maria Escorihuela This link opens a new window
Lifestyles and mental health
Dr. Alberto Fernández-Teruel This link opens a new window
Neurobiological and genetic basis of mental and neurological diseases
Dr. Ester Fernández This link opens a new window
Inflamation and immune tolerance
Dr. Guillermo García-Alías This link opens a new window
Neuroplasticity and regeneration
Dr. Carles Gil
Biochemical psychopharmacology
Dr. Lydia Giménez-Llort This link opens a new window
Translational behavioral neuroscience
Dr. Jesús Giraldo This link opens a new window
Systems pharmacology and bioinformatics
Dr. Gemma Guillazo This link opens a new window
Cognition, Aging and Diet
Dr. Juan Hidalgo This link opens a new window
Neuroinflammation and oxidative stress
Dr. Marcel Jiménez This link opens a new window
Dr. Francesc Jiménez-Altayó This link opens a new window
Cerebral and peripheral vascular disease
Dr. Natalia Lago This link opens a new window
Neuroplasticity and regeneration
Dr. Jose Miguel Lizcano
Protein kinases and signal transduction
Dr. Jose Manuel López This link opens a new window
Stress Protein kinases
Dr. Rubèn López This link opens a new window
Neuroplasticity and regeneration
Dr. Vicente Martínez This link opens a new window
Neuroinmunogastroenterology and gut microbiota
Dr. Roser Masgrau This link opens a new window
Calcium signaling and metabolism
Dr. Jose Monreal
Dr. Xavier Navarro This link opens a new window
Neuroplasticity and regeneration
Dr. Jordi Ortiz This link opens a new window
Biochemical psychopharmacology
Dr. Clara Penas This link opens a new window
Neuroplasticity and regeneration
Dr. Alex Peralvarez-Marin This link opens a new window
Molecular Interactions in Pathophysiology: Proteins, Peptides, and Membranes
Dr. Olga Pol This link opens a new window
Molecular Neuropharmacology
Dr. Emma Puighermanal This link opens a new window
Puig2 Lab (Cannabinoid Neuropharmacology)
Dr. Albert Quintana This link opens a new window
Mitochondrial neuropatology
Dr. Adam Ranson
Cortical circuits
Dr. José Rodríguez This link opens a new window
Molecular biology of synaptic dysfunction in neurodegenerative diseases
Dr. Carles Saura This link opens a new window
Neurobiology of Alzheimer’s disease
Dr. Elisenda Sanz This link opens a new window
Mitochondrial neuropatology
Dr. Pilar Segura This link opens a new window
Neural systems in learning and memory modulation
Dr. Montse Solé This link opens a new window
Neurovascular unit and neurodegeneration
Dr. Alex Taylor This link opens a new window
Animal Minds
Dr. Esther Udina This link opens a new window
Neuroplasticity and regeneration
Dr. Víctor Yuste This link opens a new window
Cell death, senescence and survival