Equality committee
From the beginning of 2023, there is a commission in charge of ensuring that everyone feels comfortable working at the Institute and to promote equal opportunities, regardless of gender, identity, orientation and ethnicity.
- Ensure the implementation of the UAB Action Plan measures, being a bridge between the UAB Equality and Diversity Service and the INc-UAB.
- Take into account the gender perspective and make visible the diversity of gender, identity or ethnicity, in research and among INc-UAB members.
- Be the referee in case of violence and harassment, through the first reception of cases of people who have suffered or are suffering a situation of sexual harassment, due to sex, gender or sexual orientation, and sexist violence, or some other kind of discrimination, in the center.
The commission has recently made an analysis of the current situation in our institute in relation to equal opportunities and non-discrimination for reasons of gender, identity or ethnicity. On the one hand, the data has been obtained from an online survey and, on the other, through the Information and Documentation Management Office (OGID) of the UAB.
The results show that, currently, of the total number of workers, 49.3% are women and 50.7% are men. Regarding the teaching and research staff (PDI), there is a higher percentage of pre-doctoral and post-doctoral women, which decreases when you reach the categories of associate/university holder and official/working professors. Regarding the technical and administrative staff (PTGAS), there is a majority of women in all categories except for Specialist Technician.
A scissor effect can also be observed in career prospects. In the early stages, women show higher productivity than men (publications). However, at advanced stages of the professional career, although researchers have on average the same number of research sections obtained, women publish less and obtain fewer national and international projects.
The INc-UAB members who responded to the survey have a low diversity in terms of sexual orientation and ethnicity, since the majority of staff are white and heterosexual, being the group of researchers principal the least diverse.
UAB links:
- Comissió de convivència de la UAB
- Pla d'igualtat de la UAB
- UAB Equality and Diversity Service
- Unitat de Psicogènere de la UAB
- Comissió d'Intervenció i Resolució de Cassos d´Assetjament (CIRCA)
- Ombuds Officer
External links:
Calls for women:
Send to the commission any anonymous comments using this contact form.
For any query, you contact the committee through: comissio.igualtat.inc@uab.cat, responsable.igualtat.inc@uab, or to the personal email of any member of the commission. The information obtained will be treated confidentially.

Roser Bastida

Dr. Gemma Comes

Joana Garcia

Dr. Natalia Lago

Dr. Albert Quintana

Dr. Daniel Sampedro

Maria Dolors Serveto

Dr. Montse Solé

Dr. Esther Udina