The will of the Department of Geography is to share concerns, ideas and proposals for the improvement of the knowledge of Geography in all the stages of the education.

The Department of Geography in collaboration with the ICE of the UAB actively participates in the organization of different courses that aim to contribute to the updating of knowledge of secondary school teachers in the field of geography.
- February 19, 24 and 26, 2024: Jornada Argó de Geografia: "Conflictivitat Territorial com a Problema Social Rellevant." You can see some pictures of the Conference.
- March 11,13 and 20, 2023: Jornades Argó de Geografia: “Globalització, dependència o oportunitat? Propostes de geografia econòmica a l'aula”.
- March 14 and 21, 2022: course “Geografia i eines digitals a l’aula”.
- April 19 and 26, 2021:Jornades Argó de geografia: "Com lliguem la geografia i la història a l'ensenyament? Vincles entre l'espai i el temps".
- from 1 February to 25 March 2021: Cicle de conferències Estudis territorials i planejament.
- 5, 12 and 14 March 2020: Jornades Argó Geografia: "Emergència climàtica. De la reflexió a l'aula".
- March 21, 28 and 30, 2019: Geografia i gènere: mirades feministes per a l'aula.
- October 1 and 25; and 15 and 16 November 2018: Cicle de conferències "L'ordenació del territori: teoria i pràctica".
- April 7 and 9, 2018: Jornades Argó de geografia: La Geografia al dia: nous i vells conceptes per a l'ensenyament de la Geografia a secundària
More information:
The website Recursos sobre geografia, of the Societat Catalana de Geografia (SGC), aims to be a communication space that offers various didactic resources and information to geography teachers. Among the promoters of the portal are Asun Blanco and Anna Ortiz, professors in the Department of Geography. It is currently a collaborative space that is nourished by the contributions of researchers and teachers of geography.
On Monday 17 January 2022, teachers Anna Badia and Anna Ortiz took part in the presentation of the works of the students of the Serra de Noet Institute in Berga (4th ESO) and the Pau Claris Institute in Barcelona (1st Baccalaureate), within the framework of the “Shared Classrooms” project, in which students from the subjects “Geographical Visions of the World” (Degree in History) and “Place, Society and Culture” (Degree in Geography, Environment) also took part. Environment and Territorial Planning).
Working group made up of secondary school teachers and the UAB Department of Geography, born with the aim of strengthening relations between secondary schools and the UAB and establishing spaces for debate and reflection on the challenges posed by teaching the geography and the activities carried out in each educational stage.