Activities, programs and initiatives in which the Department of Geography participates aimed at high school students.
The Department offers various courses and advice to do the research work each year: help is provided to determine the approach, work methodology, bibliography, resources and, in certain topics, access to the university infrastructure.
The proposed theme for the 2023-2024 academic year is Climate change and denialism:
Despite the growing scientific consensus on the existence and inevitability of an environmental crisis of human origin, there are still people, collectives who do not believe it and who press by different means to impose their denialist discourse. Perhaps they are not many, perhaps yes, but they take advantage of certain media platforms (digital press, social networks, political parties, also scientists) to spread their message and hinder, delay, the adoption of measures that can mitigate the impacts of this crisis.
This paper aims to analyze this phenomenon, with an investigation of its reasons, main arguments, main "actors" at national level, as well as a prospection of what could be the trend in the short and medium term future (perhaps in the long term we will no longer be in time).
Juan Carlos Llurdés Coit. Department of Geography.
From the 7th to the 9th of February, the Open Days were held at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters. On behalf of Geografia UAB, Marc Parés and Alba Salillas took part.
Teachers Àngel Cebollada and Anna Ortiz have carried out a course entitled: “Urban bloggers: the life of the city” and which has brought together six students who have carried out a project in Badia del Vallès.

The Department of Geography in collaboration with the Argó program, organizes each course the day Geography in Action. It aims to enhance the interest of Geography in high school students. In 2017 the record was broken with the participation of 175 students.
On Tuesday, February 6, 2024 was held the Geography in Action Day of the 23/24 course, you can see the pictures of the different workshops that the students carried out.