Resume of the department director

Dr. Àngel Cebollada Frontera
Full Professor(2009)
Director of the Department of Geography
Brief resum
- Places and Regions in Human Geography (Bachelor's Degree in Geography, Environmental Management and Spatial Planning)
- Advanced Topics in Regional Studies and Planning (University Master's Degree in Territorial Studies and Planning)
- Sustainable Mobility and Territory (Bachelor's Degree in Geography, Environmental Management and Spatial Planning)
- He has participated in several competitive research projects
- He has participated and has been PI of different agreements.
- Researcher member of SGR Applied Geography group.
- Main research areas: Active mobility, use of public space and commercial activity in urban centers.
Selection of recent publications
- Pérez, À, Vera, A. & Cebollada, À. (2022) Permanencias y cambios de la actividad comercial en el centro de Terrassa: un análisis desde la Geografía Económica Evolutiva(1918 – 2018). En: Gago, C., Córdoba, J.; Alonso, M.P., Jordà, R. Ventura, J. (coords.) Territorios comunes, miradas compartidas. Aproximaciones desde la geografía. València. Publicacions de la Universitat de València, p. 337 – 354. ISBN: 978-84-1118-062-7
- Anaya-Boig, E., Cebollada, À. & Castelló Bueno, M. (2022) Mesuring Spatial Inequalities in the access to station-based bike-sharing in Barcelona using an Adapted Affordability Index. Journal of Transport Geography, 98.
- Badia, A., Cebollada, À., Vera, A., Gisbert, M., Mendizábal, E., & Tulla, A. F. (2021). Land occupation in a municipality of the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona: challenges and opportunities. Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, (89).
- Cabrera, F. y Cebollada, À. (2021) EEPI: Instrumento de evaluación de entornos de proximidad para incluir a las personas sin autonomía en Lima. Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica vol. 67/1, p. 1 - 21.
University management
- Master's Degree coordinator of the Department of Geography (2013-2016)
- Degree coordinator of the Department of Geography (2020-2023).
- Evaluator of MINECO research projects.
- President of the Board of Teaching and Research Staff (2011 - 2019)(2011 – 2019)