Newsletter number 66 (November - December 2024) from the Department of Geography
You can now consult the newsletter number 66 (November - December 2024) from the Department of Geography.
27th Solstice Party
On Wednesday, December 18th at 8:30 PM, in front of the Academic Management Office of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, the 27th Solstice Festival, organized by the Department of Geography, will take place.
30 years of MiraMon!
This year marks the 30th anniversary of MiraMon GIS, a pioneering software in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) management and remote sensing.
Newsletter number 65 (September - October 2024) from the Department of Geography
You can now consult the newsletter number 65 (September - October 2024) from the Department of Geography.
Dialogue between Helena Cruz and Oriol Nel·lo at the Opening Ceremony of the 2024/25 Academic Year of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities
On Tuesday, October 15, the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities held the opening ceremony for the 2024/25 academic year with a dialogue between Helena Cruz and Oriol Nel·lo on the topic "Territorial Planning: A Tool for Environmental Sustainability and Social Justice."
Marc Parés, winner of the 2024 Pascual Maragall Legacy Awards
The Catalunya Europa Foundation has announced the winners of the 2024 Pascual Maragall Legacy Awards. Professor Marc Parés has been the winner in the Legacy Category.
Successful turnout at the Closing Ceremony of the Naturalized Urban Rivers Exhibition
El martes 2 de octubre tuvo lugar el Acto de Clausura con Visita Guiada de la Exposición Ríos Urbanos Naturalizados: De la investigación en diferentes casos de estudio a la biodiversidad fluvial.
Grant of the research project CALIB-FIRE
Albert Pèlachs (PI1) and Anna Badia (PI2) will lead the project.
19th GRM Seminar Series on Migration
The Migration Research Group (GRM) of the Department of Geography presents the program for the 19th GRM Seminar Series on Migration
Documents d'Anàlisi Geogràfica 70/3
Documents d'Anàlisi Geogràfica has just published its latest issue a