Application of neural networks for classifying different types of data
16:00 - 19:30
Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya
Next Thursday, February 13 will take place the session: "Application of neural networks for...
Visit to the Navigation Simulator
16:00 - 20:00
Facultat de Nàutica de Barcelona
El proper divendres 14 de febrer tindrà lloc l'activitat: "Visit to the Navigation Simulator". ...
Jornada Argó de Geografia: "Justícia Global a l'aula: una mirada geogràfica multidisciplinària des de les Ciències Socials"
16h - 20h (Monday) i 9:30-13:30 (Saturday)
Grades Room (B7/1052) Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Jornada Argó de Geografia: “Global Justice in the classroom: a multidisciplinary geographical...
Geography in Action: The Treatment of Geoinformation as a Source of Knowledge
10h - 13h
Room Tarotdequinze, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
The Department of Geography at the UAB and the Argó program of the ICE at the UAB invite you to...
La revisió bibliogràfica i la seva valuosa utilitat en la recerca
Room Enric Lluch of the Department of Geography (B9/1058)
The PhD in Geography organizes a training session led by Esteve Vinyals Lacalle (a student of the...
Tejiendo historias transnacionales: Experiencias en el concurso del HiloTesis
Room Enric Lluch of the Department of Geography (B9/1058)
The PhD in Geography organizes a training session led by Maria Paola Ayala (a student of the PhD...
Documentary: "Not Suitable for Cowards", by Nuria Silván Miracle
UAB Cinema Hall (Cívica Square. Campus Bellaterra.)
On Monday, March 3, at 10 a.m., the documentary "Not Suitable for Cowards", by Nuria Silván...
Seminar on Innovative Methodologies in Feminist Geography
9:00 - 18:00
Grades Room (B7/1052) Faculty of Arts and Humanities
The Research Group on Geography and Gender of the Department of Geography is pleased to invite...