Valida la teva recerca
The UAB Research Park and the UAB Doctorate School organize a hybrid formative program to validate the research of the research staff in order to bring it to the market.
The program, which is free, offers different tools and methodologies to apply their results of research and obtain busines and innovation tools, besides learning the key aspects of the tech transfer ecosystem.
- Ajudar als doctorands a validar la seva tesis (o coneixements) mitjançant metodologies de creativitat i Lean start up.
- Optimitzar l'impacte de la tecnologia per trobar la millor aplicació utilitzant design thinking.
- Accelerar el procés d’arribada al mercat – trobar col·laboradors i finançament.
- Connexió amb l’ecosistema.
Stage 1: Training
Learning sessions about creativity, teamwork, and leadership, in which the research staff applies the methodology and tools to their projects.
The different teams introduce their projects and prototypes in front of a jury made of experts. After deliberation, a €500 prize is given to the winner of the demoday.
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