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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Social and Collaborative Entrepreneurship

Course where the student body can learn collaborative economy through case studies and good practice examples, the steps an entrepreneur has to follow to create a social project with tools and elements of a collaborative platform. In the training we work from the generation of the idea to the skills and competences (leadership and creativity, among others) for the initial development of the project.

This activity is organized by the UAB Employment Service in collaboration with the Federació de Cooperatives de Treball de Catalunya.

2025 Edition

  • Thursday, March 6, 2025, from 10.00 to 13.00: Seminar on social entrepreneurship (3 hours) – Montse Lamata - Psychologist and PNL-Coach. Assessor of social entrepreneurship projects. Expert in social training and personal and management skills. Partner at Ensó, SCCL.

  • Thursday, March 13, 2025, from 10.00 to 13.00: Workshop on leadership and shared management (4 hours) – Montse Lamata - Psychologist and NLP-Coach. Advisor on social entrepreneurship projects. Expert in corporate training and personal and managerial skills. Partner at Ensó, SCCL.

  • Thursday, March 20, 2025, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.: Workshop on creativity and idea generation (3 hours) – Montse Lamata – Psychologist and NLP-Coach. Advisor on social entrepreneurship projects. Expert in corporate training and personal and management skills. Partner at Ensó, SCCL.

  • Thursday, March 27, 2025, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.: The case of Spora Sinergies (2 hours) – Aleix Caussa. Founder and CEO of Spora Sinergias

Academic information

  • Modality: Presential.
  • Prize: 25 euros.
  • Total hours: 25 hours (12 hours of teaching and 13 hours for the development of an essay based on an idea about collaborative economy that will be delivered at the end of the course at uab.empren@uab.cat).
  • ECTS credits: 1 ECTS credits in academic recognition activities (for Degrees).
  • Certification: to pass the course it is mandatory to attend the 80% of the sessions. After the course has ended, you will recieve via e-mail a certificate that you will have to present at Academic Management of your corresponding Faculty or School in order to validate the ECTS credit.


1. Make the deposit of the 25 euros to the following account:


Fiare Banca Ètica

IBAN: ES6715500001280001041722 BIC:


2. Fill out this email and send it, with proof of payment as an attached document, to: formacio@cooperativestreball.coop

3. Complete the registration in the NEXUS application:

Registration at NEXUS


To resolve any queries, you can contact us at: uab.empren@uab.cat

The Social and Collaborative Entrepreneurship Course is an initiative of the Entrepreneurship Unit of the UAB Employability Service, in collaboration with the Federation of Worker Cooperatives of Catalonia, and is designed to provide UAB students with transversal skills that improve their employability and make them more competitive in the professional world.

Additional information

Drawing of a light bulb and a gear